On this episode of VH1’s Gossip Game, the ladies are finally alluding to what really drives women within media who work within close proximity of each other: beef, specifically perceived beef in the form of basic jealousy.
Read: 10 Things I Learned From Watching VH-1’s Gossip Game, Episode 2
Wow. Who saw that coming?
It’s not a sisterhood as it’s more so a mad cap race for arms, and Gossip Game asks the questions that no one wants to admit: “Can a radio personality moonlight as a blogger? Yes, if she’s skilled in writing. Can a writer with reporting background work as an on-air talent? Yes, the transition should be easy for her. Can a freelance writer land coveted interviews without the backing of a major media outlet?” Yes, but she must be able to distinguish a news worthy story from a dud.
We’ll soon find out as these women prove they’ll go the distance to undermine each other’s credibility at every twist and turn.
This episode is full of social nuisances. Case-in-point, a misguided Ms. Drama invites Angela Yee to shop, nearly forgetting she ruined her birthday party with her dramatics, K. Foxx proves that beef is constantly on her mind, Jas Fly places Ms. Drama in a social and personal “time-out,” and Sharon Carpenter showed her Achilles heel by being jealous of K. Foxx’s hosting duties with Xtra.
But the icing on the cake was when K. Foxx proved her social awareness when she described Sharon Carpenter as “facetious.” Score 10 points for K. Foxx! Now, can we all have an intervention for her where we convince her that her wigs are sabotaging her career and brand?
But I digress.
Let the social observation begin!
Ms. Drama Lives In Her Own Alternate Reality
Upholding Ms. Drama to social standards is as futile as expecting an infant to understand the concept of sharing since–like a child–she functions by her own ethos. This is seen when she invites Angela to shop and by-passes an apology for the debacle she created at her party and instead tries to impress her by bragging about her upcoming photo shoot and unveiling party. Believe me when I say Yee could give two fucks. Angela schools her on the importance of maintaining and fostering relationships within their industry but she incorrectly reads it as unsolicited advice. Isn’t it funny when oblivious people pass up great advice?
K. Foxx Is All About Beef
In a previous life, K. Foxx could have worked as a butcher considering her obsession with beef. In an interview with Kid Capri, she questions the pioneering DJ whether or not he has beef with Funkmaster Flex to which he answers, “no” and explains his talents speak for itself. Being K. Foxx, she reads that comment as him being “arrogant” yet somehow manages to be completely unaware of how she sounds when discussing Hot 97.
Ms. Drama Is The Odd Woman Out
Were only three episodes in, and it’s official: the cast has grown weary of Ms. Drama and her drama. And so have I. This is seen when the women have dinner sans her and discuss her provocative personality with Jas Fly sharing she’s placed her in social “time out” because of her obnoxious behavior. But K. Foxx summed up Ms. Drama best at the end of this episode when she observed: “Now I know why they call you drama: You put on a show.” Who knew K. Foxx had jokes?

Jas Fly: ” So here’s my truth: I may or may not have actual education in writing, and because of that it makes me extremely insecure which makes me illogically aggressive when faced with actual reporters and writers with backgrounds in Journalism & Mass Communications…”
Jas Fly Is Insecure About Her Career
Jas Fly likes to front like she’s a confident woman but she definitely has an insecure child lurking within. When Sharon shares with the group that she’s interviewed Biggie’s daughter, T’yanna for GlobalGrind, Jas nearly shades her to death in her interview. Jas commented, “C’mon! It’s Global Grind!” diminishing the importance of the interview as if GlobalGrind is some abomination in the world of hip-hop websites. It’s actually quite entertaining. Jas’ shade is hilarious for two reasons: 1) In this arena she should really put her condescending attitude away considering she contributes to NecoleBitchie–that isn’t the beacon for well-written entertainment news and 2) at one point Necole Bitchie was employed at Global Grind. Jas Fly, have numerous a seats.

Sharon Carpenter: “Here’s the thing: I’m attractive and British; I’ve never been stood up EVER. This makes no sense. Like, my last name is Carpenter; I’m practically related to Jesus Christ–you know, on account he was a carpenter…”
Sharon Carpenter Is Awkward
Sharon went on a date with a black guy from The Wire who isn’t Idiris Elba Hassan Johnson, and he decided to give her a reality check or test his limitations with her by pulling a no-show. Because this has never happened to her in her life, she was shaken to her core, and actually confided to the shop guy about her dilemma. It was to say the most surreal and awkward moment that episode. Why didn’t she just leave, or call Hassan as opposed to filling in a stranger on her personal life the world, you ask? The world will never know until the reunion.

Kim Osorio: “I’ve come up with a great way to get airtime and look like the ‘smart one’ all at once. I just…”
Kim Osorio Is The Shit Stirrer
It’s official: Kim stirs the pot with subtlety (or as Vivian so eloquently stated: “She’s an instigator.”). Her meddlesomeness–which is her way of manipulating a situation in her favor– affords her plenty of airtime while keeping her professional credibility intact. Her weapon of choice? A made-for-TV olive branch that provides an invisible self-esteem boast. Kim uses this tool with Jedi-like precision during her own interpretation of Run Tel Dat™ when she tells Ms. Drama (a walking explosive) that Jas said she placed her in “timeout.” Hmm, I wonder how Ms. Drama will respond? Will she do something categorically stupid and impulsive that’ll cause drama? Well, of course she would!

Sharon Carpenter: “I’ve worked at BBC for bloody sakes! Who the fuck would hire a radio DJ over a real fucking REPORTER?!”
Sharon Carpenter Can Be Just As Insecure As The Other Women
Despite having held positions at BBC and Viacom (er, BET to be specific), Sharon proves that she can be just as insecure as Ms. Drama and Jas Fly, which is just painfully sad. After sharing with Angela that her end goal is to land a permanent position within mainstream media, K. Foxx’s revealing that she’s landed a hosting gig with Xtra television shock the cool Brit to her core. Within seconds of hearing said news, she not only shared that she interviewed Biggie’s daughter, T’yanna (to which K. Foxx referred to as “mediocre” in her interview)–the answer to a question no one asked–but was downright facetious when she told K. Foxx, “I’ll be looking forward to that” in regards to viewing her hosting duties. Girl, green is unbecoming of you.
Angela Yee & Sharon Carpenter Are The Mean Girls…And I Love It
Proving once again women can’t be friends, Angela and Sharon had a field day noting all of Ms. Drama’s faux pas at her party. It was absolutely hilarious. Saying truthful commentary like “[She was] premature in throwing this party” (Angela) and laughing from the depths of their souls about her sexy-gone-wrong modeling pics (Sharon), the women finally succumbed to their inner teenagers and asked Ms. Drama when was the last time she had a good lay. It was Mean Girls-worthy, indeed. For anyone who cares, I’m guessing never.
Ms. Drama Is An Ass Hole
Thanks Jas Fly for the phrase that most definitely pays! Although Angela and Sharon’s cattiness would have actually drawn empathy had their target been anyone else, considering Ms. Drama’s bad behavior it was well-deserved. Like Vivian observed, Ms. Drama is putting on airs for TV’s sake. This theory is proven when she attempts to use words that are out of her regular vocabulary. Her speech is littered with illogical phrasing like “revealing party” (as opposed to saying ‘unveiling’), “diversitility” (apparently the cousin of ‘diversity’ and ‘multiplicity’), and other odd pairings. If you need more proof, read her nonsensical speech that was so oddly worded and its message so thoroughly drowned in a series of buzz words that her guests responded with an awkward round of applause and puzzled expressions.

Jas Fly: ” My writing skills may be the biggest joke in NY but I eat bitches like you for breakfast. “
Jas Fly Is A Super Hero
After being invited by Ms. Drama for a “monologue” under the guise of a “dialogue,” Ms. Drama proceeded to try her best take on confronting Jas for discussing her behavior with their mutual friend, Illseed owner of AllHipHop.com. Who, by the way, has the best writing moniker EVER. (See his wonderful vodka-no-chaser of a conversation starter: “I’m concerned about how you’ve been interjecting yourself in the industry…”) Clearly having zero tolerance for Ms. Drama, Jas explains that she spoke with him hoping he’d speak some sense into her wayward psyche. Girl, you cannot help delusional. Of course, she railroads her and refuses to listen, and that’s when everything becomes clear to Jas, i.e., Ms. Drama is still salty from their last conversation where Jas abruptly left, and this is her moment of payback. And that’s when Jas decided to read Ms. Drama for filth saying such mind-numbing truths like, “If your life were a book, the title would be Candace Is A Mess,” “you honestly don’t know who you are; you are lost,” “you’ve been waiting for this moment, most likely practicing it,” “you’re insecure,” and my favorite: “Ms. Drama is an asshole.” So shocked was Ms. Drama, that she actually came out of character and was silent for nearly one second, her mouth agape and eyes bulging. It was so fucking funny. But the icing on the cake was when she dismissed Jas by asking her to leave, and she remained seated, back straight, smiling because she knew 1) everything she just told her was true and 2) Ms. Drama can’t make her leave because she wouldn’t dare touch her. Finally, Ms. Drama left, and Jas still had the last laugh when she commented on her high heels as she wobbled out of the restaurant. It needs to be repeated, Jas Fly is a super hero with questionable journalistic integrity.
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Read: 10 Things I Learned From Watching VH-1’s Gossip Game
By Carla St. Louis (@SheWrites007)
Source: VH1
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