[Spoiler Alert] This week Tami bonds with her mom as she fights her battle against cancer; however, it still gives her enough time to stir the pot with Shaunie because of the comments that she made to Tasha. Now we all know Tami is not one to hold her tongue so the eruption was bound to happen.  So Tami goes to Evelyn to let her know how she feels, so Tami jokingly makes a few comments about the violent possibilities of the conversation going left and that she loves Shaunie but will not hesitate to punch her in the face. Of course Evelyn runs back to tell Shaunie so you already know this drama is going to carry on to the next week!

As far as the rest of the cast, I continue to ponder about Susie’s relevance on this season of Basketball Wives, and every other season before this one, she is being her usual messy self. I swear Susie is a pathological liar and a fence rider.  The crazy thing is it’s so hard to see through her because she’s sneaky with it and that’s the worst part. Susie gossips non stop and will not hesitate to throw someone under the bus, reverse, and drive over them again. I just can’t figure this chick out; she blatantly lied to Tami in her face when asked if she was brought up during her conversation with Tasha. Now lets be clear we all know Tami will not hesitate to initiate an impromptu beat down and Susie is definitely not about that life, so why lie?

Meanwhile Evelyn is emotional after her embarrassing incident with her ex husband Chad Johnson better known as Ocho Cinco. From the tears in every scene I conclude that she actually really did love that man and it wasn’t all a scam like everyone initially thought. Luckily she did get a prenuptial agreement, so despite the emotional scaring she came out untouched. I don’t blame her for wanting to give Chad another chance; they say love makes you do crazy things so I assume love is the only feasible explanation for her recent actions.

This week episode was pretty drama free, but knowing this group of women it will not last long. Looks like we will have to tune in next week to see how the drama will unfold because it looks like the tension will take a turn and Tami gets all up in Evelyn’s face!





By: India Redhead ( @IndiaMaliha )