Cash Money Oil Co. A Fake?

When the Birdman announced that he and his brother were now adding to their empire by starting a oilc iompany most applauded it as another rpower move by the young moguls. However some shady reports have come out about Bronald Oil Co. and some are wondering if the shit exista at all! Peep some of the findings about the supposed “oil company” Baby and Slim are running. I don’t know about this one…

As for what Bronald is doing in the oil and natural-gas business, the Williams brothers declined through their publicist, Kia Selby, to comment. Selby said she was unable to provide information about the oil company. Bronald doesn’t have a listed telephone number. Numbers for residences in New Orleans and Florida that are linked to Bronald in state records don’t take incoming calls. Officials within the oil industry have also reportedly denied its knowledge of Bronald Oil.

 Further reports by Bloomberg show that the oil company is listed as serving oil to Oklahoma, Florida and New Orleans, but Oklahoma’s oil industry authority claimed to have never heard of such a company and said that they have never partnered with Bronald Oil & Gas LLC. Records in Oklahoma also list the address for the corporation to be a beach front condo in Florida. This all doesn’t add up to be a good scenario for Bronald especially since they just launched.

Alicia Keys: The Ugly Truth!

A pic of Ms. Keys fresh off a jet with no makeup has come out and people on the net are giving it hell! Personally I think it’s not hat bad, nothing a little Clearisil couldn’t handle right. Anyway peep the pic and make your own mean comments below.