The Real Housewives of Atlanta aired last night during the country portion of the 59th Annual Grammy Awards. Phaedra jumped off the "pillow fight" episode with one of extravagant parties for her children. Phaedra nicknamed her second born “The President" and planned the party such as, with actors role play as secret services.


The anticipated Pillow fight at the pajama party hosted by Nene Leaks, who obviously was high off cocaine. The night kicked off with relationship questions around the room. Nene sniffled all night with unstable emotions through “pillow talk” relationship counseling session.


 NeNe is “very motherfucking irritated” by Kenya’s lateness took the chance to release some of her energy out towards her. Nene called out Kendra about what she stated about Natalie husband. In recent episode Kendra went to battle with Natalie stated that she was not married and she was told by Natalie husband that they were just in a common law relationship. Nene was calm in collective the next moment sniffling & being the infamous instigator.



"Would you date a Bisexual man? Porsha response to this question above indicated that she may need another sex talk.

Porsha response "My man would not be heterosexual, bisexual but only porsha-sexual".



Nene stomped around the room saying she has Benwa balls inside of her vagina at that very moment.



Next question asked to room full of couples.



“Are you comfortable around someone who has slept with mate? Chuck, Mynique, and Kandi all looked really weird. Kandi slept with Mynique husband Chuck when they were in high school.



NeNe grabs a big paddle to properly stir the shit, turns to Kenya, and says “You had so much to say about Christopher at the winery so keep. “It All The Way Real.”




Natalie reminds Christopher that Kenya said they were common law, and he gets up and asks what medication she’s on. Kenya gets up and walks towards Natalie, saying she’s not back peddling but “top peddling,” and Christopher grabs her arm as she passes.




Brandon went berserk, screaming, “Don’t you put your hands on her!” Peter pushes Brandon away, then BOTH Apollo and Peter are holding Brandon down while Apollo beats the living shit out of him! Gregg is holding Christopher back, but Apollo was going APESHIT. It looked like production got involved and was holding Apollo back while Phaedra said he can usually keep his temper in check.



NeNe went to yell at Kenya, who walked away, and told her she made a “wrong-ass move” by getting up, and Kenya refuses to take the fall for it, saying it was Apollo who started it.


Phaedra tried to calm Apollo down by reminding him that he has two sons, and Brandon tries to figure out what is even going on! Natalie tells him it’s because his friend was lying about her man, and now NATALIE AND BRANDON are fighting! But it doesn’t last, because Apollo rips off his shirt and mic, and then charges BACK OVER TO BRANDON, and that’s where the show ends.