Artist: Trina

Album: Still Da


Even after the fall from Atlantic and a long awaited hiatus,
the acclaimed Queen of Miami is back
at it again with the release of her new album, ‘Still Da Baddest,’ basically a
follow up to her debut and bestselling album to date, ‘Da Baddest Bitch.’
It’s been a longtime coming since the release
of Nann and Miami is still holding her down strong, Trina is back on the scene with a hot single already climbing the
charts. The first official single, ‘Single Again,’ hit radio stations in heavy rotation,
essentially making it a ladies anthem, something for them to vibe to in the
club. Keeping the fuel to her style, she has upped a level in lyrics and
production from the albums of before.

Trina has always delivered lyrics of a sexual nature
expressing that in full detail, with this album she narrowed that to only a few
songs. Other songs deal with issues revolving around her personal lifestyle and
that of Lil Wayne in that you can
hear vividly. She wasn’t trying to be subliminal in those lyrics, more obvious
than everything. If you listen to the lyrics closely, the maturity is risen a
little more from her other albums, she came just a little bit harder in subject
matter and delivery, there is no denying the fact that the expressions bleed
through the lyrics. The flow has honestly changed and her style does switch up
on certain tracks depending on the beat. Even though her delivery has upped a
notch, the signature Trina style is still there. With the production side of
the album, there is a mixture of elements ranging from club to slow jam. Her
tracks offer a different vibe depending on your mood. The choice of producers
does add an extra flare to the hype that has already gathered around the anticipation
of the album.

On the real, take a listen to each track respectively, the
approach she decided to take on this go around definitely shines through the
album. The guest features do distinct justice, assisting her on the hook and
additional verses. If you were once a Trina fan or still are, this album honestly
has a better approved sound from the lyrics to the production. That title still
suits her, from this angle.

Notable tracks include: ‘Still Da Baddest,’ ‘Single Again,’
‘I Got a Thang for You,’ ‘I Got a Bottle,’ ‘Wish I Never Met You,’ ‘Clear It
Out,’ and ‘Hot Commodity.’