B.G. Relapses?
This is one that I am desperately hoping is not true. New Orleans rapper B.G. has been doing good lately, working on new projects and keeping his name and face in the game. It is well known that Gizzle had a serious addiction to heroin as a teen and struggled with it through most of his career. In the past few years though he has gotten clean and even picked up a few pounds, looking stronger and more focused than ever. But we haven’t heard from B.G. in awhile and I am getting some disturbing reports about what he has been doing in his off time.
They say idle hands are the devils play tool and that is what it looks like is happening here. No shows have been coming in for the man and no album is scheduled for release so people close to the guy say he has had a lot of time to reunite with his demons and he has fully relapsed into his heroin addiction. My intel tells me Gizzle is spending at least $400 a day getting his fixes and hasn’t really left his house much, except to go get more of his ‘medicine’. His wife has reportedly moved out and threatened to leave him for good, citing the obvious health and family dangers that comes with riding the H-Train. So far though I am hearing no one can get through to him and he just keeps on shooting up in his room, occasionally watching TV, but mostly nodding out.
This is sad. What makes it even more sad is the person who gave me this info told me they are doing it so the story can get out and hopefully prompt B.G. to kick the heroin. After seeing that the public still cares about him the family member hopes B.G. can save himself. Like I said this is the rumors section, but I am getting this from a very good source. We here at 24Hour wish B.G. the best and ask you all to keep him in your prayers.
Chris And Rihanna Move Into LA Home Together?
It is official. Chris and Rihanna are back together. They were seen cavorting around a Miami beach this past weekend and were snapped by paparazzi as they boarded a private plane back to L.A. Most of Rihanna’s family is supposedly against the reunion but that is not stopping the young Ike and Tina from moving full steam ahead. And moving is exactly what the two may be doing together, very soon.
It was previously reported that the two were looking at homes in Chris’ native Virginia, prior to the Grammy beatdown. Now new rumors are coming out that the two are about to make good on those plans and get a spot together to help them be closer during this time of reconciliation. However instead of ole’ country Virginia, the new pad is supposed to be somewhere in L.A. The idea apparently came from the Chris Brown management team. They think the two living together will show the public that they mean good on this attempt and are really putting the past behind them. As they hope we all will.
I must say I am honestly disgusted by this whole shit. Did you see that girls face? How can her parents even begin to allow this? And what message does that send to all of the little boys and girls that look up to these two? Hopefully somebody will come to their senses and do what’s right.
Crooked I Stages Fake Shooting?This is one that is becoming more and more popular these days. Fake chain snatchings and fake shootouts have been a staple in hip hop ever since Gravy put one in his own ass outside Hot 97 all those years ago. Just yesterday I reported that Crooked I had been shot and his condition was unknown, but not looking good. Well then Crooked himself came out and said that “something happened, but I’m fine.” Now it is coming out of Compton that Crooked pulled a “Got Ya!” move and the whole thing was a hoax.
The story I am hearing is that Crook was getting worried his buzz was dying out after he finished up his hip hop weekly series. It has been a while since the series ended and still no major deal or new developments have come out for the incredible wordsmith. So what else will get your hits up more than a staged shooting? Word is Crook had some of his homies act like they were shooting at him, but never really came close to hitting him. He hid out for a day or two and let the rumors circulate, getting his name in all the internet headlines. And guess what? It worked!
Hopefully this isn’t true. Crooked is way too talented to have to result to this type of shit but hey this is the entertainment biz right, ya never know…If anything maybe he can get his Slaughter House homies to hoo-ride for him. WEST SIDE!!
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