Chris Brown Saddened and Apologetic?

The R&B vocalist known for his many hits has become a media target for the past week. It hasn’t been proven yet, but it is quite possible that Chris Brown may have lost a chunk of his fans after allegedly beating Rihanna with closed fists. It was rumored that Rihanna was not going to press charges on her former lover, but after speaking with family members and Los Angeles authorities, she followed through with the charges. Details have not emerged yet on what triggered Brown to lash out against Rihanna. Speculations say he acquired herpes from her, while others state that it sparked from a text message, either way his initial reaction was the worse choice. Due to the incident, Brown might have to serve time.

Recently, it appears that Chris Brown has become somewhat apologetic for his wrong doings, unless that’s just his publicist speaking for him, either way, there has been a statement issued to the press that puts him in the wrong as he admits his faults. This was the official statement:

“Words cannot begin to express how sorry and saddened I am over what transpired. I am seeking the counseling of my pastor, my mother and other loved ones and I am committed, with God’s help, to emerging a better person. Much of what has been speculated or reported on blogs and/or reported in the media is wrong. While I would like to be able to talk about this more, until the legal issues are resolved, this is all I can say except that I have not written any messages or made any posts to Facebook, on blogs or any place else. Those posts or writing under my name are frauds.”

On the real, it sounds like his publicist. Now is he really sorry like he says he is? I don’t believe it. This is just a cry for attention and a sad method of trying to get back in the good graces of his fans. I’m just waiting for his label to receive a statement saying that they’re ready to drop him from contract, as his sponsors did prior. Do you think this will destroy his music career, you be the judge?

Lil Wayne Gets Sued?

You would assume that Lil Wayne would be far from his problems after the charges concurred back in 2007 and 2008, well apparently, he might find himself back in court, however this time, it is a business situation. There has been a recent lawsuit filed against Wayne from a promoter out of Rochester, New York. Edward Strickland of RMF Productions of Rochester filed an injunction on Friday (February 13) against Lil Wayne, his manager, and several others, which might include Birdman, for failing to appear in concert 3 different times. Strickland is suing Wayne and company for a sum of a hefty $1.3 million. He continues to claim that Wayne’s manager never refunded the $100,000 advance that he gave them back in October. The last time he heard from Wayne’s representatives was through an e-mail stating that there were complications with the logistics with his band.

Wayne is worth more than $1.3 million, this artist can rake that in alone doing a dozen shows and some features. Besides if this is true than it’s just a business lawsuit. He’ll cover his dues and get right back on his feet. Either way, I don’t see the intimation; promoters are still going to book him for shows, why because he is a guaranteed sell out. You put Wayne in a packed Arena and you’re liable to make at least half a million, maybe more.