Diddy Trades A Baby For A Bentley?
Diddy and his longtime on again off again baby mama Kim Porter have been seen more and more these days together. While Diddy has publicly said that he wants to settle down nothing has been confirmed as to who exactly who he wants to do it with , but he has said in the past that if it was anyone it would be Kim. The two have more than a few people talking as it came out that last week Diddy bought his Kimmy a new Bentley GT! However I’m hearing this was not just an innocent present but rather a kind of compromise.
An insider close to Diddy reveals that Kim has been pressuring the Didster for another child recently and that Puff was not all the way with it. So to hold her over for a minute instead of having a kid he bought her a brand new Bent! My source on this one didn’t tell me how well this went over with Kim or if the baby talk continues but for now she seems to not be doing too much complaining…
Young Buck The Fat Boy? While Young Buck may be one of the most talented cats in the south the fact remains he has been having a HARD time since getting ousted from the Unit. Left with nothing but mixtapes and small club shows here and there it is coming out that Buck has been using his idle time less than wisely.
Word is getting out that Buck has been gaining weight and is abusing several substances. A few people have hit me up and said that recently they saw Buck at a Nashville area car show and the boy looked big and bloated. Word is that Buck is a drinker of the purple stuff or lean and this has caused him to gain about 20 or 30 pounds, seemingly all in the face.
This one is funny to me. Buck was always the one in the Unit with his shirt off and now this? Although I must say judging from this latest video interview of him that came out he certainly does look a little puffy. I always thought he was on the powder? Maybe he should switch back to that and lose all the weight…? Just a thought!
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