Fantasia Suicide Attempt?

Our news department has already covered this story but here is where we can speculate a little bit more… Fantasia was rushed to a hospital early this morning for an overdose of unknown medication. This comes on the heels of it being announced that she may have a sex tape coming out with a married man and may also be sued for all her money due to
North Carolina’s “Homewrecker Law”.

So the early word on this is that this was obviously no accidental overdose and Fantasia was actually trying to take her own life. Fantasia at the moment is still being hospitalized though her condition has been labeled as non life threatening. In addition to the stress of the sex tape itself people close to the star are also saying she is simply heartbroken now that her married lover has chosen his wife over her.

All jokes aside keep this girl in your prayers people.

Waka Flocka Makes Tupac Fans His Enemies?

Waka Flocka has made some noise recenrtly when he announced his debut album will be titled Flocaveli. While this is an obvious homage to Tupac and his Makeveli album several Pac fans have come out and said they will not support this and demand Waka to change the album name!

The Pac worshippers let their feelings known via Twitter and several music blogs calling for a boycott on Waka and this album if he goes through with it. Another idea floating around is that they are rallying people to buy the original Makaveli album in stores the same day as Waka’s drops to show they would rather have the original.

Personally I don’t care what this dude names his album…he still sucks and I’m not buying it…or downloading it. 

Wiz Khalifa Causes A Riot!

That boy Wiz! We all know the name and the gang by now. Wiz Khalifa and his Taylor Gang recently did a free show in Boston at City Hall and it was off the chain! Thousands of people showed up and when Wiz tried to hit the stage, the fans simply ran over police and security and straight mobbed the dude! Wiz had to run for his life off the stage and let riot police do their thing. Check out the vid below: