Ginuwine Vs. Timbaland?

For all 80’s and 90’s babies the glory days of Ginuwine are not too far a distant memory. Him along with his super producer Timbaland crafted many hits and had the bedrooms and dance floors rocking for many years to come. And then…it stopped. No more music came out of the two. While most assumed it was just a mutual growing apart, Ginuwine has come out and said it is deeper than that.

Ginuwine took to the radio waves this past weekend and let it be known that it was Timbo who just up and decided to stop working with him. According to Ginuwine they were all set to continue on working together when one day Timb just switched up his whole style and didn’t want anything to do with Ginny, and now he is speaking out about it.

“He did me wrong.  You deserve to be called out,” is just one of the things he let loose on Timb during this interview. I wonder if Timbaland is going to respond and where will this all go? Do I see a dance off in the future…?

Kat Stacks Book Cancelled?

Finally a sign that we still have some kind of self respect as a culture. While Kat Stacks has been getting thrown under the bus more and more lately it looks like now she really is losing her last leg.  Kat has been proclaiming since day one she is getting a book deal and plans to reveal even bigger names she has fellated in the pages of the book. However I just got a tip that tells me otherwise.

Word is that Kat DID have a book deal on the table but since all this pother fuckery has gone on with her the publishers feel that her story has already been overexposed and the people are growing tired of it. This has led to the publisher she was working with to pull out on the deal and wish Kat a good day.

I’ve never been one to knock anybody’s hustle but damn, on this one I don’t feel too bad for her. I mean this girl is EVERYTHING that is wrong with not only our culture but I think society at large.  

BONUS: Peep this footage of drunkie Stacks damn near falling out the back seat of a car while talking all kinds of drunk foolishness.