We all know Kanye takes both his music and his shows and  well basically everything he does VERY seriously. On his current Glow in The Dark Tour he has one of the most elaborate stage set ups ever seen. complete with floating stages and laser light shows and all kinds of wild props. Insiders are saying that Yeezy wasn’t too thrilled with the aspects of his tour mate Rhianna’s live show, so he told her to change a few things.

Like what you ask? Well people are saying pretty much everything. Her wardrobe, her dance routine, and even her stage set up. Rhianna used to wear an aerobics looking highlighter yellow outfit on stage but on the last show she had on some red and black leather dominatrix look going on. Word is though Rhianna didn’t mind at all since the best part was Kanye paid for it all out of his own pocket. Concert goers are now saying the show is a lot better because of it. You gotta respect Kanye for the love he has for his art form, I know I wouldn’t be paying it if that girl had a whack show, that’s on her!