“We The Best!” We all know this as the battle cry of Miami legend DJ Khaled. The man’s been hot in the game and has taken several people from the Miami area along with him. Although some recent comments from Terror Squad members has people asking exactly who is he referring to when he says We in that phrase.

It’s well known that Fat Joe put Khaled in the game. Ever since we have known Khaled we have known him to be a Terror Squad repper and was always seen with his trademark Terror Sqaud chain. However lately all that has stopped and Khaled has been more likely to shout out his own label of course titled, We The Best Music Group, than anything else including TS.

This is not sitting well with people in the TS and one of them, Pistol Pete, has spoken out and said that both Khaled’s membership and chain are getting revoked!

“He’s another one that don’t do s**t for us. Khaled’s another one that’s supposed to be on blast. He gonna give up that Terror Squad chain when I see him. He don’t do a mutha f**kin’ thing for the squad. He thinks its about him ‘He’s the beeeessssss.’ He’s moved on. He don’t even wear the TS chain no more. He don’t represent TS like I do.”

Maybe that’s because you have nothing else going on and Khaled’s making multimillion dollar moves? Just a thought…

The Godfather of the TS, Fat Joe, has not said any such remark about Khaled yet so we will have to wait and see where this one goes…

Mariah Makes Nick Back Down From Eminem?

This is one I saw coming from a mile away. We all heard Nick Cannon’s tired ass attempt at manning up after Eminem put out the song “Bagpipes In Baghdad”. In the song Em claims to have peed on Nick’s wife, Mariah Carey, and says wants to steal her back from Nick for more super soaked action. Well Nick obviously didn’t take too kindly to this and blogged his response.

“Miss Marshall, I’m going to make you wish you never spoke my name and regret the ungodly things you said about my wife,” Cannon stated. “This is going to be fun! It’s however you want it! Just remember, you did this to yourself! Your legacy has now been tainted from this day forth! You will now be known as the rapper who lost to corny-ass Nick Cannon!”

Right. Well now ole’ Nicky boy has turned around and said that he doesn’t want any parts of Mr. Mathers.
“I never even considered it as beef. It’s not beef. It’s just, Hey, I heard the record. I said what I had to say.”

Nick even took the blog down from his site claiming that it was causing traffic issues with the comments feature.
Right. Well it is coming out from everywhere that the real reason Nick stopped the pointless beef is that his wife Mariah made him! Mariah has been trying to focus on getting Nick’s career more out there and she felt this beef would only stop him from getting more mainstream work. She supposedly put her diva foot down on Nick and this is why we are hearing this lame ass back down.

Really though how else could this have ended? Nick Cannon and Eminem battling? That would have been the same thing as Nick quitting! We all know the “Gigolo” couldn’t stand a chance against the white boy.

Rapper Knockouts!

Oh boy! We all love a good fight. Even more we like to see some straight knockouts! So today I treat you with two rapper knockouts.

The first is of Miami rapper Pitbull knocking out some lame who tried to throw money on him after Pit tried to be nice and le thim up on stage!

The second and to me the best thing I’ve seen in a long time is of Charles Hamilton, yeah the guy who wears Pink and Sonic shirts all the time, getting straight clocked by some chick! They say the girl who did the punching is actually an ex of Charles who aborted his seed. I don’t know what’s funnier, this dude getting duffed by a chick or the fact that he just walks around with a pink monkey strapped to his arm.

Check the vids below: