Pleasure P Accuser A Jilted Lover?

This Pleasure P child molester stuff is definitely heating up and it is not looking good for the guy. After court documents were leaked via Twitter everyone is waiting for P’s response to see what excuse he can conjure up for this one. However I have gotten some info that the source of the leak might have had some ulterior motives besides just exposing Pleasure for the sake of the community.

A. Goldstein is all the info we got about the girl who claimed to be the daughter of the lawyer who represented P in his child molestation case however with some digging I found out a little bit more. The A actually stands for Ashley and word is her and P had a little thing going on…that is until he recently shacked up with Eddie Murphy’s daughter Bria! Supposedly Ms. Goldstein got extremely jealous at this new relationship and that is the reason why she is throwing P under the bus like this.

I have to say this does make sense. It just didn’t seem natural for some lawyers’ daughter to put her father’s clients out there like that for no reason. And the timing is perfect with the whole Bria angle. Stay tuned on this as 24Hour will always keep you updated.

Jay-Z Refutes Satan Worship Claims!

To anyone who’s been paying any attention to this, I know I haven’t. there are actually some people who are saying that Jay-Z is actually a devil worshipper. Yeah, I know. Well I guess these accusations have been ringing a long way as Jay has actually taken the time to speak on it. This is what he had to say about the rumor and the preacher who started it.

Jay: “He should be arrested, seriously. My position is not unlike anyone else who ascends to the top of their field. That comes with the game. But that’s crazy. That might be the craziest one I’ve had.”

When pressed further, Jay admitted that he did not attend church but he did have a personal connection to God.

Jay: “Nah, I’m more spiritual than [having] organized religion. I have a personal relationship with God. …I believe in karma, I believe in cause and effect…but religion, I have my opinions about religion.”

So there you have it. Jay does not worship the devil! Jeez, even for a rumor monger like myself that one was a little out there…