Rihanna Slangin That H?

This one hurts me just to write. By now we’ve all heard of the charge Chris Brown caught for putting hands on Rihanna last night. Word is the two got into an obviously heated argument and Chris put the hand of God on her before he fled the hotel room. But everybody wants to know what was the fight about? Another man? Another woman? Well my sources are saying it is none of those but something even more sinister.

Word is the fight was over the fact that Rihanna has introduced Chris to the wonderful world of Herpes! Apparently Rihanna gave Chris the ticket to bumpy road some months ago but he is just now starting to show his souvenirs such as lip blisters and genital sores. People close to the couple say Chris immediately flipped out and didn’t give Rihanna much of a chance to defend herself, instead he just started goonin’ on her with the love tap.

I must say this one took me by surprise. After all Chris is the one who is always getting busted for fucking around but I guess it works both ways huh? Although I don’t condone hitting a woman, if this is true I must say I can definitely understand why he would be so mad.  Either way kids this once again shows, that no matter who you may be smashing, R&B superstar or not, you gotta wrap it up.

Kanye’s New Chick?

Kanye West is not one of those celebrities that’s known for his relationships. We’ve only known about a handful since he came into the public light years ago and those relationships each lasted more than a year. So when some new pics of Ye’ and a bald headed chick getting all cozy together hit the scene, they got a lot of people talking.

Amber Rose is her name and she is a model, who has appeared in several videos including the Ludacris joint “I Know What Girls Like”. Word is the two met at a pre Grammy party and immediately hit it off with her even staying at Kanye’s house for the past 4 days in a row! Boy that Kanye is a lover huh? Anyway peep the pics and let us know what you  think. I’d hit it.


 Lil Wayne Ties The Knot?

Oh the strange place that is Wayne’s World. So many things happen there it’s hard to keep up with just the news, yet alone the rumors as well. The new one coming out about Wayne is a little different from the others as it is one that we have never heard of before about this man. And that’s saying a lot!

Wayne appeared at the Grammy’s last night and did it big winning 4 shiny gold statues. However what really had people talking after the show was the diamond ring Weezy was sporting on his ring finger. It has made many people wonder if this is a sign that Wayne may be settling down sometime soon?

If so who would the candidates be? Well there’s always Nivea waiting in the wings, hoping he’ll come along and give some juice to her career. Then there’s Sara his Midwestern baby mama, but most likely she’s just that… a baby mama.

Wayne has been pretty low key relationship wise lately so this definitely confused some people. Stay tuned to 24Hour and we will keep you updated as always.