T-Pain Fights Porn Stars?

Fighting at award shows seems to be the new press release. Start a scuffle at a highly publicized and televised event and soon watch your internet stats get higher than Lil Wayne on a Saturday, or really for that matter, Tuesday night! The latest person to seemingly take advantage of this new marketing scheme is T-Pain. I know it seems a little off character for Mr. Top Hat right? What’s even more funny is who he supposedly got into the brawl with

The AVN Awards went down last night in Las Vegas. For those who don’t know the AVN’s honor the best porn movies and actors of the year. They normally have a few hip hop performers with this years top acts being Pain and Flo-Rida. Well people who were there say that as Pain was walking out of the building when randomly, some male porn stars started getting slick at the mouth with him and his entourage. Word is T-Pain didn’t even respond verbally, he just leapt right in on the man with his goons following him. Witnesses say the professional D slingers tried to hold their own but couldn’t manage and eventually had to retreat. The funniest part is after it was all over T-Pain apparently looked into someone’s camera that was filming and yelled “You thought I rolled with soft niggas!” Guess not huh?

I’m sorry but this is too funny to me. The sight of T-Pain rolling around in his top hat with Dirk Diggler and crew is something I would definitely pay money for. When did porn stars start hating on rappers so much anyway?

Kanye Loses Faith And Is Going To Pose Nude?

Kanye’s out there. Not to say I don’t like the dude, but ever since he started rockin that grey carpet suit, I’ve been wondering. Ever since he came in the game he has liked to be a little unconventional but he recently made some comments that are straight wild. And even go against what he has said in the past.

The first and most shocking thing Kanye has said that has people talking is that he has given up on his faith. The writer of  Jesus Walks says he no longer believes and other people shouldn’t either.

“I don’t believe in therapy. I believe you gotta walk it out, you gotta live it out…And sometimes you have to cry it out…I don’t believe in medication or painkillers. And I don’t believe in religion and people that are about giving it all up to Jesus.”

Damn Ye’, what the fuck happened to you? I know homies been through some hard times lately but don’t give up the faith. Kanye also revealed that he plans on showing his fans even more of himself than he has in the past. And I don’t mean through the music.

“I definitely feel, like, in the next however many years, if I work out for two months, that I’ll pose naked. I [want to] break every rule and mentality of hip-hop, of black culture, of American culture.”

Whoa. Rappers posing naked? Yeah that definitely would be a new one Kanye. I don’t know on this one. I personally think he should just stick to the auto-tune if he wants to get his shocks in. Or maybe run up on another award show and cause some shit, we haven’t seen that in a while from him right? With all these award show fights it seems like other people are trying to take your spot anyway Mr. West…

Dr. Dre Cleaning House?

Recently a track leaked from the mythical Detox album Dr. Dre has been working on since he was 8 years old. Seriously we’ve been waiting on this album so long I’m not even sure I care anymore. The song, Could Have Been You, features Dre along with R. Kelly and 50 Cent. Everyone who has heard it loves it and is just happy to be hearing new music from the good doctor. Except of course for the good doctor himself.

People close to him say Dre is FURIOUS like Fishburne over the leak and is knocking heads off. He doesn’t know who leaked the song but he is trying to do everything possible to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Dre supposedly is firing anyone he doesn’t trust with his life that works anywhere near or around his music. Engineers, producers, ghostwriters, even the weed rollers gotta go if Dre don’t trust em’ 100%. The insiders are saying what makes Dre most upset is that the song is over 2 years old and doesn’t reflect the quality of the music he’s been working on lately.

Oh boo fucking hoo. You wait 20 years to put out a record and then your mad when people get excited over some new music that gets out? You should be happy people even still wanna hear your shit anyway after all this time. Hopefully this will push Dre to put out this Detox shit cause the people are fiendin to go in!