The Dream Creeps On Christina?

Damn homie. Rumors are rumors, but pictures are worth a thousand words. The Dream has been rumored of cheating on wife Christina Milian pretty much ever since they got married. Photos of him with other women have come out but he always says the women are just ‘friends’ or ‘family associates’. Well some pics have come out of the lover boy that are going to make it pretty hard for him to use the friend excuse.

The above snapped pic was taken over the weekend in the Caribbean. Dream and his unknown pasty companion were frolicking all over the beach according to witnesses and as seen in the pics, Dream even got a few choice ass grabs in.

Men will do what men do I guess, but damn couldn’t he have done better than that?

Interscope Pressures Eminem To Tour?

So what’s the next step for an artist when you have the biggest seeling album of the year? Go on tour of course! Well unless your notorious hermit Eminem that is! Em has been pretty absent from the touring scene for some time now, not going out at all for his last album Relapse, and it looks like he is taking the same route with Recovery, to the annoyance of his record label.

Interscope reportedly is leaning more and more on Em to go out on tour to support the album.  Em wants to stay home with the kids like he always does and do whatever he does in his huge mansion all day instead.

This isn’t really surprising to me. Why does this guy even need to tour, I mean he’s Eminem! Rejoice though as he does have those few spot dates with Jay coming later in the year…

The Real Reason  Lebron Left Cleveland?

So while Cleveland and the whole state of Ohio may be crying foul on Lebron’s decision, I am hearing folks down south are loving it! Also many folks are saying that despite the obvious reasons Lebron left (better team, better location, it’s not in OHIO!) there is also another big reason why he made his decision.

Lebron supposedly still has a lot of bad feelings about that whole situation with his mother and Delonte West. His whole team knowing something like that and not telling him, as well as the actual teammate doing it? Not a good look.  Word is this played a big part in Lebron’s decision to leave the team.

I can’t blame him on this one. I mean who wants to live in Ohio anyway and then play with a bunch of guys you can’t even trust AND who can’t win? I think I would of taken the championship and the blue water beaches anyday…