T.I. & Tiny Marry In Hawaii?

The on again off again engagement of T.I. and his fugly girlfriend Tiny is said to be on again. The two were set to be wed before Tip went to jail. Didn’t happen. Then right when he got out of jail. Didn’t happen. Then it got even worse for Tiny as rumors that Tip called the whole thing off and was railing Hoopz again started coming out.

However it looks like things may work out for the two as they have been on a private Hawaiian island since Monday. Most are speculating that the two will marry this weekend sometime in a very small ceremony.

What’s really adding steam  to this story is the fact that more and more family members are being flown out as the week closes. I’m hearing at first it was just Tiny and T.I. but now more than 10 family members are on the big island. Gotta be something going on…

Rick Ross

If this is
true this guy really must have made a deal with the devil. Rick Ross threw a
huge album release party for his Teflon Don release this past Tuesday down in Miami.
Everyone was there and it was as Khaled would say “A MOOOO-VEE!” Miami’s
Baddest Bitch Trina also came through and people are saying she wass showing
the Boss A LOT of love.

People in
attendance there are saying Trina was cozied up to Ross all night long and was
constantly dancing and even rubbing on his big belly. I’m told Ross was just loving
it with a big smile on his face the whole night. Now I know these two are
longtime friends but the way people are describing it they’re making it sound
like there is something more going on here…

I don’t know,
I mean this guy does seem to be extremely blessed. And Trina did just end
things with Kenyon Martin…guess we’ll have to wait and see on this one…BOSS!

J. Cole And
Freeway Mixtape?

“Who Dat?!”
J. Cole got everyone asking that question when singing along to his latest
single which showcases the RocNation’s artists ability for pure fire spitting.
Cole is the new leader of the Roc but it is being said that he may be linking
up with an older Roc-A-Fella alumni for an upcoming mixtape.

joined J. Cole at a recent Philly show and rocked the crowd with some of his
old classics. A concertgoer hit me  up
and let me know that Cole and Freeway both hinted during the mini set that the
two would be working together. At one point Freeway stopped and asked the crowd
if they would be feeling a project between the two to which he got a huge positive

A mixtape is
much more probable than anything else for these two. I mean we all know an
album of this ain’t coming out. I wonder what Jay thinks about all this…? Peep the video of the two below: