Well hopefully by now you have heard about all the hoopla surrounding Tiger Woods and this paternity dilema he has going on right now. Well they are going back and forth trying to confirm if Tiger is the father or not of the son of one of his previous mistresses. Anyways with yesterday being father’s day and all, I found this little tidbit very amusing. According to WaggleRoom.com this “Are You My Daddy” banner flew above Tiger’s head while he was playing the third hole in Pebble Beach. How embarrassing!!! LMAO Boy, Tiger they sure aren’t giving you a break. I’m pretty sure Tiger did not find this funny but I think it’s hilarious. What a way to end father’s day with a bang! Hmmm I wonder how long people plan on taunting Tiger? I think things should be back to normal by the time this whole paternity case blows over, well at least for his sake I hope so.

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