Universal Not Rocking With Lil Wayne?

When you’re a bonafide star, you pretty much get your way. Unless of course your way could possibly get in the way of the cash flow that is. Recently it was announced that Lil Wayne’s rock album, “Rebirth”, had been pushed back from April 7th to May 9th. He announced his plans to do an entire rock n roll album in addition to the release of the Carter V early this year, much to the surprise of his loyal fans who are used to hearing him stick to rapping. Well now I am getting some word that this was not just a standard push back but a direct signal from Wayne’s record label, Universal, that they are not rocking with him on this project.

The Carter III was the top selling album of the year and pretty much Universal Music’s cash cow of last year. They want to do everything to keep Wayne in the top position he is in right now and avoid anything that could knock him from that spot. Word is the top brass at Universal think that this rock album would be a failure and would make the rap world look at Wayne even more sideways than most of us already do. People tell me top execs at Universal have tried to talk to Wayne several times and explain to him that this album is not a reality, but of course those convos are to no avail. Word is that they let his manager, Cortez Bryant, know that if Wayne doesn’t brighten up they have to turn into Mr. Evil Record Company and just tell him it’s never going to be released.

I must say I kind of saw this one coming. I mean Wayne is a diverse talent and all but who the fuck wants an entire rock album from this guy? Either way though I know we will be hearing something from Weezy as the public demand for him just grows greater by the day.

Tameka Keeping Secrets From Usher?

Recently the whole world felt for Usher as the news came out that his wife, Tameka Foster, was in critical condition after a botched plastic surgery. Foster reportedly was in a coma for several days and had to be under 24 hour observation, with Usher of course standing by her side. We all remember the horrible case of Kanye’s mom and her plastic surgery related death just last year and it looks like medical malpractice was again the cause of this failed plastic surgery. However, it is now coming out that this plastic surgery scare was a surprise to everyone, even Usher himself!

People close to them are coming out and saying that Usher had absolutely no idea Tameka was in Brazil getting the procedure done and found out about the complications with the rest of the world! I’m hearing Tameka told Usher she was going to visit relatives and wanted to surprise her man with her new figure. Well he sure got a surprise but it wasn’t the one he was looking for. I’m told Usher completely freaked out after hearing the scary news and had to be calmed down before he could even get on the plane to go accompany her.

So what now? My insiders say that Usher is taking it a little easy on his wifey since she was just released from the hospital. But both her and Usher know this is a big deal and he feels it was a major violation of trust in their relationship. My intel says he plans to let his true feelings be known and maybe even place restrictions on Tameka and how much access she has to travel and money.

Not a good idea Tameka. If he likes your flabby post 4 child deliveries stomach, then why should you complain?   

Flo-Rida Picks Up The Guitar?

It seems rap music just isn’t good enough anymore. First we got Wayne and now it is coming out that another hip hop superstar is thinking of switching genres and releasing an all rock album. This time it’s Miami bred Flo Rida who is thinking of dropping the mic for an axe and hitting his fans with a hard rock album. Apparently getting the cue from Wayne, I got some exclusive intel that Flo is feeling more and more comfortable and confident with his music after his extreme success with “Low” and most recently his record breaking smash “Right Round”. This has led him to express his desire to branch out into other areas of music, with his first experiment being a rock n roll album.

Actually this is not too much of a shocker as I have learned that Flo has always been a rock fan and even has a tattoo of rock n roll pioneer Jimi Hendrix tatted on his arm. My insiders tell me he has been experimenting with rock music as long as he has been doing rap, but just now feels he has the outlet and means to act on this dream.

Hey what can I say, if this is how these guys wanna express themselves go ahead. It worked when Ye’ and 3000 flipped it on us so maybe this will work too. All I know is that “Right Round” is a monster! #1 selling song of all time?! With those kind of numbers I say fuck it, rock on dude!