Breakup rumors are swirling around again for Usher and his new (but old) wife Tameka Foster. Ever since they got married there has been talk of the two splitting up. People have said Tameka is overbearing and bad for Usher’s sex symbol image. There was talk of her getting in the way of video shoots and studio sessions with other pretty women involved. But now the talk is picking up more steam due to some new developments. Apparently Usher and Tameka rarely see each other and don’t even sleep in the same house. Sources close to the two also say Usher either has already or is going to very soon file for separation. The reason for the unhappiness is not clear but most people say it is Tameka’s obsessive jealousy over her man. We’ll have to wait and see how this one plays out. Remember people being young and in love is not always enough. 50% of all American marriages end in divorce. Let’s hope Usher and Tameka can work this out for the kids sake.