Whenever Yung Berg’s name pops up in the news it’s usually never a good thing. Either he got beat up, he got robbed, he got both at the same time, or he was just saying some overall dumb shit, Berg has had a bumpy year or so of fame. Now a rumor is coming out about Berg that doesn’t involve any humiliating acts at all! Reality shows are the best thing since water to hit the TV industry and lips are smacking saying that Berg may be getting his own reality TV show.

            The show supposedly would go along in the same veins of Flavor Of Love where Berg tries to find a young lady companion out of many desperate and out of work beautiful females. The catch is Berg is mainly focusing on darker women since his “dark butts” comments is still haunting him to this day, and no network has picked up the show yet so nothing is official. Check out the e-mail team Berg sent out earlier hyping the show.

Yung Berg is having a reality tv show where he’s going to find “true love” kind of like Flava Flav and all the rest of those dating shows. But get this, his management team has reach out to me and my casting company to cast mostly “beautiful dark skin or brown skin women” for his reality tv show. In the casting call I got from his team it reads, “We are looking to find exceptional stand out beautiful dark skin/brown skin women to showcase all races of beauty on the show”.

I’m part of the casting process in helping to pick the girls and its so funny because one of the models Yung Berg has personally requested be on the show is Brooklyn video model Jeri J. (www.myspace.com/jerij) where I heard him say, “She’s pretty for a dark skin shorty” I don’t think he knows that’s not a compliment, and through numerous attempts to contact her people we have not got back a response, but its definitely a FACT he is casting more dark skin women for his show to save face and retract from the comments he made about all dark skin girls being dark butts. Just thought I would let you and all the readers know the real deal. He is trying to shop his show to BET, VH-1, and MTV in hopes they will pick it up with all the controversy surrounding him.

            Would you watch a Yung Berg show or do you think he should already just crawl off and die somewhere? Let us know what you think!