Big UPS to the President of Syrian!
This morning on Good Morning America, Diana had a “rare
interview” with the President of Syrian. There were many good questions
she asked, but the one that stuck out the most was when she asked him who were
some of the people he most admires…he responded: “That’s a good
question. Who I admire most are the three prophets, Moses, Jesus and of course
Muhammad”. Many people think Islam is a faith that doesn’t believe
in Jesus, ‘that couldn’t be any further from the truth’; and
the President of Syrian expressed it to America this morning. All I have to say
is, right on!

“Ugh, More Beyonce”
People have been asking me why I haven’t given a review on the highly
creditable film, Dremgirls. Quite honestly, I really don’t
understand what all the hype is about behind this movie. Someone told me that
I might not appreciate it as much because I didn’t see the play, which
I didn’t. However, the movie itself was not all that WOW! I will say this
though, the musical aspect of it all was great and Jennifer Hudson
did do an excellent job acting. Beyonce, I think it’s
‘safe’ to say that she may have more exercising to do in the film
industry. As far as giving the film a critique as a whole, I mean, it was good…but
it wasn’t that good.

Lauren Hill, CRAZY?
So I was watching the show, Blvd. Of Broken Dreams on the E!
Station…and huh, I’m really surprised to learn the things that were
revealed about Lauren Hill. Basically, if you didn’t
see it, they were just talking about how her dreams “shattered”.
People that Hill formed friendships and business relationships with, spoke on
what they knew of her. And all I can say is, either the editing team of this
show made Lauren out to be some crazy, lunatic women…or she really was
a crazy lunatic women. I’m sure they will be showing repeats of this episode…check
it out, and see what I mean.

Rumor of the day: 50 Cent and Caira?
Supposedly 50 Cent and Ciara where seen together
somewhere out in the hood in Queens. Supposedly Caira was hiding out in the
backset of 50’s car trying not to be seen. If there is any truth this
one…50 seems to be bagging them all.

Most Recommend album: Tamia
