Last time we discussed certain trends that needed to go away forever ever. Tight jeans, corny niggas in scarves, and chain wallets were the main targets. However they are not the only culprits! Me and my team of highly trained ‘Swag-ologists”  and I have scoured the malls and universities to find a few more trends that need to go! However this time it’s not just fashion trends. We also discussed a few cultural trends that need to go in this world we call hip hop!

1.    Blue Tooth Earpieces

Okay I understand, it’s a busy world out there. Multi -tasking is key to survival and success in this new fast paced society we live in. However corny is still corny. Just because Russell can do it, doesn’t mean you can. What kills me is the high school or college student that has NOTHING going on but still wants to look busy and important enough that they have to use an earpiece! First off you look like a Star Trek character.  Are you really THAT busy that you can’t just hold the phone in your hands? I personally know millionaire CEO’s that have a lot more going on than 90% of the people who use these things and I’ve never seen them use one. You know why? Because they’re not cornballs looking for attention and begging for acceptance! And F.Y.I., half the time you look like your talking to yourself! Not a good look. So save the earpieces for Russell and the Asian hip hop nerds.

2.    Mohawks

This one I just don’t get at all. Self expression is cool and all but come on. When I see a grown ass man with a Mohawk it’s hard to take him all that serious. And once again, until you saw some famous artist do this, most of ya’ll rockin this shit wouldn’t of dreamed of it! This was right up there with tight jeans and chain wallets as some “white boy shit”. Now walking through the hood, you might think your at a damn Rancid concert. Everything is not for everybody. Also unless you are an artist who gets PAID to look different I don’t know how far you think your going to get in the adult business world with a Mohawk but I encourage you to explore other options. In the righteous words of Obama, “Not everyone can be a rapper or an NBA baller.” Amen.

3.    Twitter

I know, I know. Call me old fashioned but I just don’t get it. Why the hell do I wanna know what your doing 24/7? “At the mall”. “Just found parking!” Who gives a shit! I like Myspace, hate Facebook but just don’t understand Twitter. What is it’s usefulness besides messaging people, something you could already do through MySpace, Facebook, and regular emails. Twitter to me is like a glorified chatroom of sorts. Granted it’s a good way to get a message out there fast but most of the messages are pointless. Diddy tweeting about how he likes turkey sandwiches after sex. Kid Cudi wondering if other people hate interviews too. No bitch, cause we don’t do no damn interviews! This shit is totally not applicable to my life. Even worse is the celebs that get on there and make themselves look stupid, and even worse…normal. Whatever happened to the mystique of being a star? I don’t need to know what my favorite rapper is doing all the time. What kind of ketchup they like or how many pairs of shoes they tried on this morning before picking one to match their outfit.  I just don’t care!