24: Introduce yourself to everyone and let them know where your repping?

Brittany Street: What’s up everyone I go by the name of Brittany Street and yes that’s my government name(lol)! I was Born in Indianapolis, IN but “The Stage Is My Home”!

24: What do you feel your bringing to the music world?

Brittany Street: Controversy! Totally the opposite of what people are use to hearing when they hear a female lyricist. Its take people a long time to first even get over my face and me being a emcee. ha ha They are usually ready to hear me start singing or something. But i think i can open the doors of music . Women are left behind in this business!They make it so there’s no room or not the right time, but the truth is you should make this industry make room and you make it your time!

24: Who are some of the people that influence you musically?

Brittany Street: My parents definitely I will have to say influence me a lot. I learned to be the woman I am today because of both of them and life alone has influenced me. Just breathing from each day I rise influence me. I’ve been introduced into just about every genre from Jazz, Classical, Hip-Hop to House and they all have had an effect on me.

24: Tell about some the projects your currently working on?

Brittany Street: Well on October 1st I dropped my 1st single “HELLO HOLLYWOOD” off the EP, Martian Child coming out Late October early November. I’m also working on a joint mixtape with one of the best lyricist I know name Daytona 5 Bill. Were  doing a mixtape called “PROPS DON’T PAY BILLS” Pt1. It’s a pretty exciting time for me right now. Not to mention I’m doing songwriting for R&B/Soul with my Brother/Partner HOTT. We joined up and created “Good Compeny”. So we are in the process of making placements and establishing our name as well. So there will be a lot from me coming in 2009 so trust that it will be a great year! So keep watching for my name!

24: Who are some of the producers you have been working with and who would you love to work with in the near future?

Brittany Street: I’ve been blessed to have worked with a lot of talented producers such as Saki XL of Beat Camp, Non Stop of Konvict Music 50/50, Epik the Dawn on GMG, Zee the Great and so many other talented producers. I would love to do so work with The Neptunes, Timbaland and So many others there’s just too many to name. I just looked foward to what the future has to hold for me. It’s going to be an amazing ride.

24: What should the readers look out for from you in the near future?

Brittany Street: Creativity at it’s finest and for me to make history.

24: How can someone find out more about to and check out your music?

Brittany Street: You Come find me on Myspace at
myspace. com/istbrittanystreet and also look me up on FACEBOOK!  My website is up but under construction but you can check it out as well at brittanystreetonline. com.

24: Is there anything you want to say to the readers?

Brittany Street: Always keep a open mind with music, its something that’s constantly changing and never rule out the unexpected, GC!