Introduce yourself. Who are you? Where are you from? What is your background / nationality?
My name Sterling Shaban they know me as K9 Shaban professionally but I’m the CEO of Chop Shop & I’m from Jacksonville Florida and I’m a black American male, mother from Duval father from Africa, Lebanon to be exact but resides in Sterling Virginia (my legal name Sterling), he owns Estates in Sierra Leone right now.
How did you get your Artist name?
Although canine sounds like a dog and it can come off slight Dogfish at times and in regards to certain situations yet canine really means king to the 9th power 9th being the highest numerical number K9 Shaban Shaban came from a real last name.
What motivated you to get into Music?
Actually great music motivated me but my mother she put me out their ass the lead singer in me and my cousin’s group back in elementary school when we was trying to sing Boyz II Men at a talent shows that she had put together so you know after that interest in performing I began to write my own music and I made some real touching songs that basically reached some good audiences and moved me to be what I am today.
What makes you unique / stand out as an Artist compared to the rest?
I’m unique and don’t nobody sound like me but me and that’s a blessing because once I reach that stage they going to love that Unique Style that comes out that I’m bringing to the table.
Let our readers know some of the names of people you have worked with.
Even though I have worked with all the Jacksonville artist and most of the Florida artist my favorite and most notarized ones that I worked with would be people like Field Mob Sean J who I appreciate and I’m thankful for sitting in the studio with them learning how to do recorded freestyles better , Mike Epps for allowing me to go on tour & backstage with him as well as a couple people from MMG under Rick Ross label and a couple artists under Pretty Ricky’s affiliation in Miami chinchilla and Mula University entertainment as well as hanging with DJ Khaled a few times and I’m thankful for the opportunity to be able to brush shoulders with many greats like Flo Rida and IMG Strongarm as well as many more.
What are somethings you would like to achieve and why?
I would like to open up a bunch of franchises all over the world with my barbershop (ChopShop) cause I feel like the Influence of Music goes beyond music it helps in selling and Merchandising and networking and everything that you want to do because it goes hand-in-hand music goes hand-in-hand with everything in the world. That’s why there’s music on every movie and commercial I also would like to go on tour with Flo Rida and IMG Strong Arm across Seas real soon Flo Rida if you listening I got what it take Holla at a playa!
What are some past achievement worth mentioning?
I believe that if you look on my social media channels you will enjoy the collabs and features on it cause I have people on it such as DC Young fly from wilding out and I also did a video in the Ever Bank Field in Jacksonville NFL stadium starring Fred Taylor Allen Hurns Tony Boselli and Jeremy mince . search K9 Shaban to see these videos and features.
On a personal level, how would you describe yourself in detail?
Ambitious loyal skilled cool hard-working Entertainer that love God, money & people!
What is your latest single? What are you working on?
My latest single is my new song called water it’s on all social media platforms just type canine Shaban water Wawda is how it’s spelled I’m also working on new music on writing so I can follow up strong once this single takes his course cause I’ve been recording for a minute as you can search and see on all social media platforms as well as the streets.
In this music industry, what is something you learned the hard way?
I learned that it’s no handouts it’s all faith and hard work and God that creates and cultivates everything what you reap is what you sow so I make sure I so hard work when I reach Great Harvest in fruit. #Hardwork
How long have you been doing music? What got you into Music?
I’ve been doing music since elementary school 1998 after the death of my brother made me write a dedication song about him after I was already in love with music that dedication song ended up as a mixtape of the month on the BET Awards years later still circulating. After i revamped on the BET Rap City basement hosted by DJ Q45 from Jacksonville.
In 5 years, where do you see yourself in the music industry and why?
With the help of my new record label I should be on top of the music business making a bunch of great music, historical music, legendary music filled with substance and knowledge and great rhythm I will be the new legendary musician making music International as well as National opening businesses like Jay-Z and Master P in the process.
Who were some music influences you listened to while growing up? What do you remember when you think about them?
Tupac Biggie Jay-Z Master P all of these guys were not only music Geniuses and Hip Hop pioneers but with business tactics and great action they backed & calculated every word distributed on their music.
To close out for your current and future fans, what are some last words and shout outs you want to give?
I want to give a shout out to God first secondly family and friends third Chop Shop Barber Shop in Jacksonville Florida where I am the CEO come see us on 103rd in Jacksonville Florida by the way I also want to give a shout out to everybody in Florida that has back supported listen to and been apart of my dreams and visions thus far and in the future thank you oh yeah and 5th 6 + 7 Larry doll shout out from All Pro Studio and Roosevelt forehand my godfather thank y’all for everything that y’all did the bring me where I need to be Guided by the powers-that-be. Be on the lookout for my music just keep on searching K9 Shaban.
Instagram: sterlingroyalrecords

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