24: Introduce yourself to our readers that may not already be familiar with who you are.

My name is Jason Spade Mills.  I’m 26 years old, born and raised in Miami, FL.

24: How did you come up with the name Spade?
When I was a kid and would come home from playing outside all day, my grandfather would tease me and say, “Boy, you as black as the ace of spade,” and so the name kind of stuck with me ever since then.
24: Tell us a little about how you got into the music industry, who were some of your inspirations and what made you decide that this was the career path for you?

Like most kids I found a love for music at dances, parties, and just sitting at home listening to radio.  Seeing how me and my friends would sing along and dance to the music, I wanted to be the one to makes that music that made people feel the same way.
24: What makes Spade unique as an artist and different from other rappers?

When I sit down to write a song, I listen to every element of the instrumental as a whole.  From what key the beat is in, to the key breaks and key changes the up beats, the down beats, the melodies and countermelodies, and anything else that  gives the song its full potential.

24: What was your inspiration for the hit single “What’s Up”?

It was just me seeing myself settle down after many years of being a playboy.
24: What producers have you worked with or while putting together your debut album?

Well I’m currently working on my first album now with Daniel “Element” Acosta and Merk of Titanz Entertainment  as well as Bullethead out of Alabama.
24: Can you give us an estimation of a time period on when that album will (grace the shelves/available for download)?

Mid April.
24: Are you happy with the feedback you’ve been getting from the songs you’ve released so far?

Yes, very.
24: Do you make your best music when you’re personal and putting yourself into every line and word?

Yes, I think very artists dose. Give you more to talk about.
24: When you put your music up for free download, does it bother you at all that you’re giving out the music for free or do you look at that as something that you have to do at this point in your career?

Most people would say no but me, HELL YEA!!!! LOL. I’m a person that OVERSTANDS that every dollar counts, so it’s never a question of will I charge but how much.
24: Do you enjoy the social networking aspect of the game or do you look at it like it’s something you have to do?

It’s cool, makes the world a lot smaller.

24: How would the fans go about contacting you?

Email/Cspade84@yahoo.com or http://www.reverbnation.com/#!/miamivicecity