What's up world! 24hourhiphop.com has a new Next In Line for you! This time we have a artist by the name of Toine who got a chance to sit down with us. He talks to us about what hes got going on with his music career. We also get to check out his current projects and also hear about past and future projects as well. Toine also talks to us about life at home, family, and musical influences. Check out what the New England rapper had to say and let us know what you think!


24HHH: Introduce yourself to everyone that doesn’t already know who you are?

TOINE:  The name is Toine (Pronounced Twan), the ESPN of the hip hop scene with a sick twist of truth, sarcasm, & intelligence all put together straight from New England.

24HHH: Before we get into your music, can you describe your history about how you got into music and what inspired you?

TOINE: Music was always a part of my life. At age 6, I was playing piano, my father is an avid guitar player, and my family really tuned me into all genres of music from hometown Aerosmith to pop culture, when VH1 and MTV actually played videos. Hip hop started with Good Vibrations by Marky Mark. Being homeschooled, it was hard for me to get the intangibles to hear about new artists so I was fully in tune with the Biggie, 2pac, and Big L era. After beating cancer at 14, I really started focusing on music, though it wasn’t very good. Going to North Carolina for college, I got an even bigger spectrum of hip hop music between the Greensboro to Atlanta circuit. I halted at age 21 and picked it back up at 23, when I learned life the hard way, studying artists and writing schemes throughout the way. Since then, lyrics have just been consistently flowing and realizing I’m nowhere near my full potential, I’ve probably only rubbed along the surface. Through it all, my inspiration really is the fact that all the people laughed and believed this couldn’t happen. I’ve let my haters be my motivators.

24HHH: What was the hip hop scene like for you growing up where your from?

TOINE:  In New England, we didn’t have much. We had Marky Mark, Guru, Benzino. I listened to Krumbsnatcha, a local artist around the area. We had to reach out to the radio stations to get us up to date on artists or we had to surf Napster to get a hold of new artists. I was actually very lucky to go to school with a very talented rapper in Maine named Spose and from there the hip hop scene in New England has really started to flourish from Providence to Portland and all the towns in between. It’s starting to feel like we are getting a little bit of the love finally.

24HHH: What makes you unique as an artist and different from other rappers out now?

TOINE:  What makes me unique is my distinct factor to look for the wow factor rather than the cliché factor. I’m not looking to “pop bottles with hoes and make it rain” or “I make that money on the hustle/crack trade” but I’ll blow you back with a “he didn’t just say that factor” example….”girl your p***y is Rhianna and I’ll beat that s**t like Chris Brown”. I also throw a lot of sports references in music. Not the occasional shout out to your athletes like Lebron but take an entire sport and throw together subliminal messages in accordance to the sport itself. I’m vulgar and sarcastic but with a tactful helping of intelligence and insight. There’s no sense of cliché in the music I make.

24HHH: Tell us about what you are working on?

TOINE:  We just got finished working on the mixtape “The Six Year Hibernation”, a project I worked on for a year, dedicated to the fact that I didn’t put out any real tracks in a six year period. We also just got the label “Living the Dream” approved for business. I’m also ghostwriting for some artists so the balance between my music and others comes within a seesaw effect. Starting January 6th a Dream” Wednesday’s dedicated to MLK’s I Have a Dream Speech he read, August 28, 1963…a Wednesday. We are attempting to put a new track every week for the duration of 2014 (52 week project). In this, we are including a lot of artists I’ve met along the way including our new amazing artist Ella Steffenberg (@ellasteffenberg), with graphic work by Sasha Balfany (@Azalea_Amor). If done correctly, it’s something no hip hop artists has ever accomplished ever……true “swag”

24HHH: What producers have you worked with and who would you like to work with in the future?

TOINE:  I’ve worked with a few really good producers, Diamond Style Productions, as well as Kid Flash, and Don Coda. Currently, I’m in works with working with one of the artists you guys have featured, Johnny Juliano, as well as working with Diamond Style along this year long project. In the future, I would certainly love to work with Polow Da Don, Justice League, or anyone who can bring out an even more creative spark. I’m open to anyone who can divulge and vibe within the concourse of my mental state, I’m all about it.

Check out Toine – Sky's The Limit (Audio)



24HHH: Are you happy with the feedback you have been getting?

TOINE:  We are starting a HUGE project “I Have people on material you have released Extremely. The critique is what helps us get better as artists. If everyone liked your material or never objected, then you’d sound the same and suck as people got better. A lot of the feedback I’ve gotten is “where did this come from” or “where did you come up with that”. That gives me a very gratifying feeling. With subjective feedback, I don’t let it bother me but use it as a tool to better myself on future productions. People are willing to give you that second ear, as long as you’re willing to listen to the suggestions. If your not in tune with the constant 180 of the cultrue, you’ll never better yourself as an artist, especially in this cut-throat business.

24HHH: In today’s free download age, what do you need to do to make yourself a household name?

TOINE: Know your competition. Outsmart your competition. Beat your competition. As the saying in the Godfather goes, “Keep your friends close but your enemies closer”. If you go into this with no objective and hope to get your deal by sitting back, there’s 1000 other people in the same boat out there, grinding for that chance. Key word: Grind. The weekly project I have going on is something that can keep myself new, relevant, and fresh. You have to find the new craze or niche and grab a hold of it before it fades out and people rip through Youtube to get in tune with the new cultural craze!

24HHH: How do you feel about the current state of the hip hop scene?

TOINE: To be honest, I feel hip hop is up and down elevator. On the bright side, we have artists like J.Cole, Macklemore, Hopsin, and Kendrick Lamar that give the genre the good name that its forefathers from Afrika Bambaataa to Nas would consider true to its soul. We have more downs though. A lot of artists are diluting good hip hop with the trashy rhetoric music you hear on the radio stations. We need to bring it back to basics with a new creative surge. New hip hop is like the stock market, sometimes you think how could it get any worse and sometimes your in bliss with the music the blesses your ears. Anyone who says hip hop is in a great state must listen to Future as a lyrical genius…….that’s that shit I don’t like

24HHH: Outside of the music what else are you currently working on?

TOINE: There’s something outside of music? Kidding! As of now, I’m ghostwriting for a few artists in and outside of the label. We are working on Living the Dream as a brand and a way of life. If anyone has been told they would never do what they dreamt, we try to incorporate you into the group, as long as you’re willing to put forth the time and effort. We’re dabbling into the vast social media networks, finding which suit us best for the best results. The grind doesn’t sleep.

Check Out Toine – The 6 Year Hibernation [Mixtape]

24HHH: Where do you see yourself going in 2014 and how do you plan To separate yourself from the other artist out today to get the recognition you feel you deserve?

TOINE: Every person goes 201-whatever is going to be MINE….WE GON BLOW UP!… 2014 for me is about putting in the hard work and benefitting from everything I put into it. 2014 could be a colossal year if everything goes to plan. The project will keep everything fresh and relevant. I’m always open to working with new artists and producers, especially when they can engage a new level of artistry and development, as well as enhance a bigger fan base on both ends. “I Have a Dream” Wednesdays will help separate me from other rappers. Building the fan base will be the hardest but most fun part of the journey. Trust me, this year will be a great time to jump on the bandwagon…..

24HHH: How can fans go about contacting you?

TOINE:  To contact me, I’m active on every social media sight Here’s the list:

Facebook: www.facebook.com/therealtoine

Twitter: @Toine_LTD

Instagram: TheNamesToine

For shows and collab inquires: livingthedreamtoine@gmail.com Either of those 4, I’ll certainly be in touch if need be or you just want to become a fan and follow, support is much appreciated.

24HHH: Thank you for providing 24hourhiphop with this exclusive interview, do you have any last words for your present and future fans?’

TOINE: Thanks to 24hourhiphop with the interview, such a big opportunity at the start of the journey. For my current fan base, I appreciate everything you do and all the insight you carry to better my music. For my future fans, get ready to come aboard the biggest roller coaster you’ll ever be a part of. I will need you to raise the awareness of what is called “Living the Dream”