24: Introduce yourself to everyone and let them know where your repping?

Wood Boi: What it is! It be Wood Boi or known as Fly Boi repping for Broward County, Florida but Shout to my Dade family as well.

24: What do you feel your bringing to the music world and what separates you from the next new artist?

Wood Boi: I Mean, What I know I’m bringing to the game is quality and Freshness.

24: Who were some artist that you would say influence you musically?

Wood Boi: It wouldn’t be to much but the few would be Kayne West, Jay-Z, Pharrell and Wayne.

24: Tell about some the projects your currently working on?

Wood Boi: Right now, I’m working on a few things but one of the major projects would be my mixtape which is dropping before January called “Fly Boi Music”.

24: Who are some of the producers you have been working with and who would you love to work with in the near future

Wood Boi: Producers like Jackpot and KaneBeatz. I would like to work with producers like Cool & Dre and The Neptunes in the future.

24: If you could choose any artist to work with living or dead who it be and why?

Wood Boi: JayZ just because he’s been on a diffrent caliber since his Reasonable Doubt album.

24: Valholla/FK has been making a lot of noise lately so for those not too familiar with the labels bring them up to speed and run down some of the artist apart of the movement?

Wood Boi: Actually I’m the newest member to Valholla. Shouts to Vince who’s the CEO but FK which is my Label/Clothing Line which represents that Yung Flyness. It’s moving at a fast pace right now so keep out a look for that in 2009. FK “Its A Way Of Living” and shouts to J-Fresh.

24: What should the readers look out for from you in 2009?

Wood Boi: Look out for more music from me and the whole FK.

24: How can someone find out more about to and check out your music?

Wood Boi: You can go on www.myspace.com/valholla.com or www.myspace.com/woodboi954hwd and  www.myspace.com/freskkidfk if you wanna check out the FK page.

24: Is there anything you want to say to the readers?

Wood Boi: Just stay tune in 2009. It’s going to be a big year for me so your going to be seeing and hearing from me a lot more as well as FK & Valholla.