Compared to previous years since the glory days of Jordan and his Bulls Team it seems as though the 2011 NBA Season has brought back new life to the league. With new rising stars such as Kevin Durant and Derrick Rose and veterans such as Ray Allen and Kobe Bryant this year just might be the only year where you have a few teams seriously in the hunt for a World Championship this year. So with Derrick Rose most likely to beat out the defending  back to back MVP in Lebron James this year I’m sure King James would love to win a Finals MVP trophy. For the first time in a long time starting in the Eastern Conference you have teams like the Pacers playing the Bulls tough to the very end of the 4th Quarter before Derrick Rose took over the game 104-99. Not to mention the Sixers hanging with the Heats before the Heats played like a Championship Contender and took a 97-89 victory at home. The Hawks shocked the Magics in Orlando by beating them 103-93. Even though this win may not come as a shock to the Hawks team which beat the Magics 3-1 during the regular season. Down in Dallas the Mavericks came out with a victory against the Blazers 89-81 but it wasn’t easy and this series just might go to 7 games. But the biggest upset of the Playoffs so far has to be the Grizzles 101-98 victory over the Spurs followed up by the Hornets 109-100 victory over the Lakers. Not since 1984 has their been a #1 and #2 seed losing in the first game of the NBA playoffs in the day day. An saving the best for last of course the Knicks looked great against the Celtics even though it was a Ray Allen game winning 3 Pointer that killed New York chances of winning as the Celtics took care of home court 87-85. The Thunder and Nuggets kept things exciting all night but in the end Westbrook 32 points and Durant 40 points was just too much for the Nuggets to handle 107-103. Things kick back off today with the Sixers vs Heats at 7:00pm on TNT  followed by the Pacers vs Bulls at 9:30pm in Game 2 on TNT.

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