A quick Google search will give you a definition of corny that reads, “trite, banal, or mawkishly sentimental.” In other words, something that’s cliche, empty, or fake deep. In a hip-hop context, this isn’t far off from how many fans and critics use the word “corny” to criticize artists who they see as either dishonest in their lyrics, fake in their persona, empty in their value despite their ability, or some combination of these factors. While it doesn’t always harm a rapper’s ability to sell records, the “corny” label can severely limit the respect an artist gets outside of their fan base.

Check out this video’s transcript over at Across The Culture: https://acrosstheculture.com/media/music/corny-hip-hop-rappers/

#Hopsin #Logic #HipHopMadness


Narrated by: Pro (@JaysnProlifiq)
Written by: Zander Tsadwa
Edited by: Roman Bill
Music by: Josh Petruccio

© HIPHOPMADNESS 2019. All rights reserved