Part 5:
Part 1:
Prior to getting busted for a failed bank robbery, Alan Gunner Lindbloom admitted that he had a few stints jail prior to serving prison time. He also revealed that his grandfather paid a judge $10,000 to let Alan off with probation after he was busted for a drug delivery. He also described how he was able to escape a 20-year prison sentence for two kilos of heroin after a successful got the case tossed.

Once he was caught for the bank robbery, he was charged with 17 capital crimes and took a plea deal for nine and a half years. However the judge “bamboozled” him and he was sentenced to 13-50 years at 29-years-old. Alan described prison as “worst thing imaginable” and described how difficult it was to control his propensity to fight because he didn’t want the parole board to penalize him.

He also spent 17 months in solitary confinement, where he began to evaluate his life and starting writing stories after feeling like he could write better stories than the ones he was reading in prison. Alan said he started writing frantically and proudly talked about his “To Be a King” series reaching number three on the charts, right under “The Godfather.” 

He also described meeting and writing his wife for six years before he was released and officially married. The interview concluded with Alan showing off his clothing line, Our Thing, and running down a list of his upcoming projects.