24: Introduce yourself to all of the readers and let them know what made you get into modeling?

Ashlee B: Hey world its your girl Ashlee B. I never grew up wanting to be a model I was more into art, writing and drawing. I was about 17 when i got interested in modeling, I have a cousin that was doing it at the time and I guess I just I wanted to try it out. I would have people say I’m pretty and I’m always posing for the camera for club pictures(lol). So now I’m loving it and waiting for a few doors to open up for me,stay tuned.

24: What would you say it is about you that separates you from other models?

Ashlee B: I’m not just a model I have other talents and I’m more then just a pretty face I have so much more to offer.I write poems and I’m an up coming songwriter and do spoken word. I’m very deep (lol). I’m also interested in acting well like everyone else but with me I know I’m good. I have that natural ability I was told I know how to get into character at the snap of a finger.Plus a lot of models in the urban modeling do the video vixen thing, I’m not interested in that look unless I’m playing the girl next door, I never want to be that girl popping my booty for a simple buck then go home(lol).I cant be that video girl who just ends up doing DVD covers, Flyers and little extra scenes portrayed as strippers or the girl with hot bod, I want to be that girl that people take serious.

24: What part of your body would you say drive the guys crazy the most?

Ashlee B: I would say my eyes because they are very exotic I can draw you in with them and they work like a charm(lol).

24: What part of your body would you say is the sexiest in your opinion?

Ashlee B: I would have to say my breast because they are perky..lol cant believe im saying this,Im a 34b so basically they are nice and perky never hang low not too big not too small…just right!

24: If you had to choose a flavor of an Ice Cream to describe yourself what would it be and why?

Ashlee B: Butter Pecan, I’m smooth like butter and taste just like Pecan(lol).

24: Would you say that your the romantic type or your more of the type that just like to be romanced?

Ashlee B:Both, I’m the hopeless romantic the old fashioned type that knows how to set the mood right the candles to set the ambiace , home cooked meal, nice bubble bath or hot shower with the intense burning and some tunes playing in the back ground.Since I know the main ingredients to set the mood I would love someone who can woo me the same way.

24: Describe your perfect man?

Ashlee B: Wow my perfect man. Well I know no one is perfect everyone has flaws, but my ideal perfect man is of course appealing to the eyes gotta love some eye candy (lol). Smart and educated,has to be goal oriented and knows what he wants and how to go about making things happen,strong physically and mentally I want some one who can take care of his lady Romantic of course,can cook on days when I’m tired, family oriented that’s a must, love me some metro-sexuals, those who are always groomed and dresses to the T. Smells good at all times I love a stylish man. Right now I have a thing for mixed men preferably blazians(black+asian). I love different ,spontaneous, the rebel. But at the end of the day someone to just make me happy and just be yourself is want I need in my ideal mate.

24: What entertainer or sports player would you love to spend 24 hours with on a island?

Ashlee B: Will Demps(football player for the Houston ,Texans). Oh, my God he’s so gorgeous and fit. I don’t think 24 hours would be enough so how about forever(lol).

24: Tell me about some upcoming projects you have been working on lately?

Ashlee B:I have a lot in the works at the moment. I’m writing shorts plays so i can send to a dew directors and film makers, and I’m writing my poetry book and look out for some music from me I love to stay busy and network my butt off.

24: What’s the best way for the readers to see more photos and keep updated with everything you will be doing in the near future?

Ashlee B: To stay up to date with me just check me out at  www.myspace.com/the lovely1ashlee
and my own personal website is coming soon so stay tuned. Your girl is going to be doing big things this year! Also I want to thank the whole 24HourHipHop.com staff  for having me as a feature as a Ice Cream parlor girl and for showing so much love, smoochez!