24: What lead you to start modeling?
Ashley: What lead me
to modeling was meeting Kevin Smith of AREA 309. He introduced me to his site,
AREA 309 Models, and I’ve working with him ever since.
24: I recently saw your photo shoot you did with the rain
effect and it looked like you had a fun time but what was your favorite photo
shoot that you did so far in your career?
Ashley: Honestly, it was the shoot with Shawndale Thomas and
the rain effect, because he is such a good photographer and the rain concept
was totally my idea. It was cool seeing my idea come to fruition. I look
forward to trying new creative ideas in future shoots.
24: What’s your nationality?
Ashley: I am biracial. My mother is German and my father is
24: What are some of the things you have been working on
Ashley: First and foremost, my new website, The Ashley
Experience (http://www.theashleyexperience.com), majoring in communications in
college, and pursuing my modeling career.
24: Tell me some of your career goals as far as being an
elite model?
Ashley: My main goal is just to portray that a girl who’s
not 5’11” and not blond haired and blue eyed can make it in the modeling
industry. There is nothing particularly special about how I grew up. I just got
on the grind, and made moves to make things happen.
24: What part of your body do you think is the sexiest?
Ashley: Honestly, I think my legs. I know people might
assume it’s another feature of my body, but I honestly think it’s my legs especially
my calves. They are sexy and athletic, and I don’t see many other girls with
legs like mine.
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24: What’s an automatic turn off to you about a guy?
Ashley: Teeth! I hate it when a guy has bad or yellow teeth.
I don’t want to even talk to him if his mouth is jacked up. If they don’t take
care of their teeth, they probably don’t take care of anything else.
24: What’s an automatic turn on about a guy to you?
Ashley: The way a man smell! If I can smell a guy and
remember his scent then he’s got me, definitely the scent.
24: What does love mean to you?
Ashley: Love means having your best friend, the person you
want to spend the rest of your life with. Someone you want to be with, even
when you are old and gray.
24: Tell me a sexually fantasy of yours?
Ashley: Anything on the beach. I don’t have anything more
specific, but definitely the beach. I will tell you, it hasn’t happened yet.
24: What’s your favorite song out right now?
Ashley: I don’t have a favorite, because I have a couple
Shop Boyz “Party Like A Rockstar” and “Please Don’t Go” by Tank.
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24: What was the last album you bought?
Ashley: Honestly, the last album I bought was B’day by
Beyonce. It’s been a while.
24: What’s an album that you like to put on to set the mood
right with a personal someone?
Ashley: Definitely Jamie Foxx’s last album. I put it on and
let the whole CD just play.
24: How can someone get in contact with you?
Ashley: Just go to my website, and it’s all there.
24: Anything you would like to say to everyone before we get
out of here?
Ashley: Thanks to everyone who has supported me, and get ready
for “The Ashley Experience!” I’m going to dominate in ’08!
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