24: For those out there who do not know
you, introduce yourself.
Asia: My name is Asia Rain, I’m a model from
Detroit MI.
24: Where have you made appearances?
Asia: I’ve made appearances in all different
kinds of things. Summerbunnies, As-Is Magazine and DVD, Source Magazine, Street
Fury, events in all different cities…the list goes on.
24: How long have you been in the modeling?
Asia: Off and on since I was young, but really
started getting into it not even a whole year ago.
24: What inspired you to get into modeling?
Asia: I always wanted to be able to make a
difference in peoples lives and for people to look up to me. Modeling kinda
just landed in my lap, and I realized I could acheive my goal of making a differance
from modeling.
24: Where do you want to eventually go
with your career?
Asia: I want to take my career in all different
directions, music, acting. A little bit of everything. I just want to be at
the top spot with whatever I do.
24: How did you get featured in the Source
Asia: They contacted me a while ago about being
in there magazine. Than I had someone who just contacted me straight and told
me to send in some pictures–so thats what I did, and next thing you know, i’m
in the Source.
24: What’s something other then modeling
that you’re interested in?
Asia: I love music and acting.
24: Is there any upcoming projects you’re
looking forward to?
Asia: I have a couple music videos that are comming
up i’m excited about, Independant films, a couple big magazines i’m shooting
for soon.
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24: What part of your body do you think
is the sexiest?
Asia: My eyes–they’re electrifying! One look
from me, you’ll fall in love!
24: Since you are in the ice cream section,
what flavor of ice cream would you describe yourself to be and why?
Asia: Butter pecan. My skin is smooth as butter!
I’m sweet but you never know when you’ll bite into a nut. (meaning i’m unpredictable)
24: What’s the biggest misconception
about you?
Asia: That i’m stuck up and a bitch. If you
get to know me though, I’m really probably one of the most down to earth, giving
people you’ll ever meet.
24: For the men reading, are you single?
Asia: Yes, single and lovin it!
24: Describe a fantasy of yours that
you would like to do?
Asia: Fuck all night, all day, with stops only
fo some koolade! I want it from every position in the book!! The man gotta keep
up wit me!!!
24: How can anybody get in contact with
Asia: I have a myspace page–myspace.com/asia21487
24: Is there anything you want to promote?
Asia: Just my myspace for now
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