24: Introduce yourself to the readers and let them know where your from?

Cassie: Hey, everyone my name is Cassie Codi and I’m from a small town called Trenton.

24: What lead you to start modeling?

Cassie: Well, I went to this tanning bed place in Gainesville, FL  and they asked if I could give them a picture to display in the store. Then people started coming up to me in the mall with a card telling me I should model with them. At first, I was hesitant because of some early experiences where the agencies would tell me I needed to lose weight. That stick skinny look, while fine for other models, its just not for me. So it took a while for me to find my niche.

24: How long have you been modeling for?

Cassie: I actually have been modeling less than a year. I’m a woman with a curvy body and I didn’t think modeling was for me. Then I moved to Miami,FL and learned that people actually have a great appreciation for my curves(smiling).

24: What’s your nationality, because I’m sure everyone is trying to guess it?

Cassie: I am actually Swedish.

24: With so many beautiful models in the industry what would you say you bring to the table that separates you from everyone else?

Cassie: I think that no matter how many girls are in the industry, there can never be enough. Each of us is very different and have something to offer. I literally grew up on a farm, so that has definitely humbled me.

24: What are your measurements?

Cassie: They are 34-26-41.

24: So far which Photo Shoot you have done would you say you had the most fun doing?

Cassie: I would say it was a 50’s Pin-up shoot I did for a calendar because my body is just the right curvy for that style.

24: What would you say is an automatic “Turn On” for you about a guy?

Cassie: A man that’s not afraid to be himself.

24: What’s an automatic “Turn Off” for you about a guy?

Cassie: I would definitely say its “Arrogance”.

24: Would you say that your the romantic type and if so what’s the most romantic thing you ever did for a guy?

Cassie: Lol, not really I’d rather crack jokes and make fun of each other than be all mushy. I love it when a guy has a sense of humor and can appreciate mine.

24: Are currently single?

Cassie: I don’t kiss and tell(smiling).

24: What would you say is the biggest misconception people have about you?

Cassie: That I’m stuck up.

24: Which flavor Ice Cream would you say best describes yourself?

Cassie: There aren’t enough flavors(smiling).

24: What’s a sexual fantasy that you have that you have not explored as yet?

Cassie: Next question please(blushing).

24: Okay, your off the hot seat for now tell everyone what’s next for you?

Cassie: I’m really looking forward to being featured in Magazines this summer and doing runway. Also, I would love to get into a few Rock and Country video’s as well.

24: Tell the readers the best way to find out more about you and check out more photos, etc?

Cassie: You can check me out in Fat Joe’s video for his single “Cupcakes” and my website is in the works so look out for that as well.

24: Any finals words for the readers?

Cassie: Thanks for checking me out! Keep an eye out for me, I’ll be doing big things(xoxo)!

Photos By: MQ Imgaes/MJ Flix