24: Let the readers and let them know where you from?

Jessica: Hi, my name is Jessica Marie and I was born and raised in beautiful Naples, Fl.

24: What made you want to start modeling?

Jessica: I called up one of my local photographer’s to just take pictures for fun and it ended up being something I became very passionate about.

24: What’s your nationality?

Jessica: I’m Hispanic(Mexican American).

24: Tell me what do you feel you bring to the table as a model that separates you from other models in the industry?

Jessica: I would say since I’m 5’2 and my background is Mexican you don’t see many with curves like I have(smiling). Besides that I always have a positive attitude which is the key to being successful in any industry.

24: What are your measurements?

Jessica: They are 34-26-32 and I would have to say for a little Latina I have some curves(lol).

24: What part of your body would you say is the sexiest?

Jessica: I would have to say my lips. Something about them just drive people insane. I think there very seductive.

24: Okay, now what part of your body would you say gets the most attention from the fellas?

Jessica: Now that would definitely my breast(lol). I haven’t had any complaints as yet(smiling).

24: What would you say is an automatic “Turn On”  for you about a guy?

Jessica: My ideal “Turn On” would be someone that is confident and knows how to work his charm. Having good teeth is definitely a plus for me as well.

24: Are you currently single?

Jessica: Yes I am. I’m still looking for that special someone that holds the key to my heart.

24: Well here I am(smiling). But on a serious note what would you say are some for the characteristics you look for in a guy?

Jessica: I look for a smart, confident guy but not too cocky with a good body and positive attitude.

24: Since this interview interview is for the “Ice Cream Parlor” I have to ask. If you had to choose any Ice Cream flavor that best describes yourself which would it be and why?

Jessica: I will go with Mocha flavored Ice-cream, because I’m delicious and I will keep you up all night(smiling).

24: They say the way to man’s heart is by cooking so if you had to cook a meal for that special someone what would it be?

Jessica: Spanish style chicken enchiladas(yummy).

24: What would you say is the biggest misconception people seem to have about you if any?

Jessica: Some people may think I’m stuck up in some ways, since I am not a big flirt. I just know how to carry myself and respect myself as a lady and I guess that taken out of content at times.

24: What’s a favorite song of yours that just seems to get you in the right mood with that special someone?

Jessica: That would be Adina HowardT-Shirt & My Panties On“. Hear it for yourself and you’ll know why(smiling).

24: If you had to give yourself a little bedroom bedroom report card would you be a “Straight A” student?

Jessica: Yes, I would have to give myself  an A+, because I put in extra credit(wink).

24: Would you say that sex is over rated or that people are just not doing it right?

Jessica: Actually it all depends on the person. But I think that sex is a big part of a relationship.

24: Tell me what’s the most Hot & Sexy outfit you have in your closet right now?

Jessica: That would have to be my hot pink lingerie that brings out all my sexy features(smiling).

24: What’s a sexual fantasy of yours that you have not fulfilled as yet?

Jessica: That’s a good question. Making hot passionate love right on the beach while the sun is just going down.

24: Okay, your off the hot seat for now tell everyone what’s next for you?

Jessica: Well, I have many things lined up right now. I am currently being managed by Patrick Adams of 2StarzStudio. My website is in the works as we speak and I have a lot of big things popping for 2010. An if all goes well than you will soon see me in SmoothGirl Magazine, Latina Issue.

24: Tell the readers the best way to find out more about you and check out more photos, etc?

Jessica: You can follow me on Twitter at www.twitter.com/latinjess24 and to see hot exclusive pics and stay up to date with me.

Photos By: 2StarzStudio