24: Introduce yourself to the readers and let them know where your from?

Keyana: Hey everyone! I’m Keyana Dionne, or you can call me KD.  I was born in Chicago and raised in LA.The best of both worlds(smiling).

24: What lead you to start modeling?

Keyana: I always wanted to model my entire life. But I wasn’t your average main stream runway model since I’m not 5’11, so I became attracted to glamour modeling. Seeing many beautiful women of color embracing their curves and loving themselves truly inspired me to want to do the same.

24: How long have you been modeling for?

Keyana: I actually modeled and acted for a brief moment when I was younger, so I guess you can say I re-entered the game. I have been doing my Glamour modeling for a little over 2 years now.

24: What’s your nationality, because I’m sure everyone is trying to guess it?

Keyana: I’m actually Black and Korean.

24: With so many beautiful models in the industry what would you say you bring to the table that separates you from everyone else?

Keyana: I’m not like your average model you see everyday. Physically as well as mentally. I am more petite than you normally see, which I think is definitely a plus. Especially since I heard men like smaller girls we’re easier to work with(lol). Plus, I have my head on straight. I’m finishing up Bachelors in Business Marketing in a few months, and I plan to continue my education and go straight into receiving my Masters. There’s so much more to me than just a “Pretty Face“!

24: What are your measurements and what part of your would you say is the sexiest?

Keyana: It’s 34D-24-36. I’m a petite one but I’ve got the killer curves(lol)!  I would say the sexiest part of me would be my lips. Or at least that’s what I’m always complimented on being “Soft  & Sexy“.

24: Out of all of your photos shoots at which one did you have the most fun?

Keyana:  I love shooting on the beach and for some odd reason, all of my beach shoots bring a lot of spectators. I had a swarm of people watching my entire shoot. Talk about awkward(lol). But I’m a California girl so I “Love” the beach and the water! But I enjoy doing Photo Shoots in general there all fun to me.

24: What would you say is an automatic “Turn On” for you about a guy?

Keyana: A super “Turn On” is a man’s confidence and swagger. I love when a guy can present and carry himself in a way that commands “All” attention when he walks into a room. It’s the sexy and confident demeanor he holds.
24: What’s an automatic “Turn Off” for you about a guy?

Keyana: I can name a few  but one main one is someone who lets people walk over him is a big “Turn Off” for me. Another “Turn Off” is when a guy’s confidence turns into arrogance.

24: Would you say that you’re the romantic type and if so what’s the most romantic thing you ever did for a guy?

Keyana: I’m romantic when it comes to my man. I can do romantic things for my man that I know he’ll appreciate. I’m definitely different from your average female. One romantic yet different at the same time thing I’ve done for a guy was take him to a Charger game. I love football and sports in general. I’ll pass on the movie date.

24: What would you say is the biggest misconception people have about you?

Keyana: Probably that I’m a girly girl. I do like some of the normal girly things such as shopping, but I definitely and a tomboy at heart. I love to wrestle. I like not only to watch football, but to play it too. I’m definitely down with playing “Madden or NBA Live“. I’m pretty good at it too.

24: Which flavor Ice Cream would you say best describes yourself?

Keyana: Probably, Vanilla and Chocolate Swirl. Mixed and Smooth kind of like me!

24: What’s a sexual fantasy that you have that you have not explored as yet?

Keyana: Lol, there’s a few.
24: Okay, your off the hot seat for now tell everyone what’s next for you?

Keyana: Well, 2009 is going to be a big year for me. Definitely be on the look out for me in your favorite magazines, upcoming videos, and especially across your TV screen. I cant quite reveal what’s coming up right now, but I’m working on some great projects. Just be ready for me when you see it!

24: Tell the readers the best way to find out more about you and check out more photos, etc?

Keyana: Definitely check me out on my Myspace, Ice Cream Parlor, or Twitter! www.Myspace.com/KeyanaDionne or www.Twitter.com/PrettyGirlKD I definitely respond back to everyone, and you can contact me for bookings and shoots as well! I appreciate the feedback and the love. It keeps me motivated! You can also check me out here at 24hourhiphop.com, and be on the lookout for www.KeyanaD.com coming out later this year!

24: Any finals words for the readers?
Thanks so much for the love! And definitely be on the lookout for me! Big things to come!

Photos By: MQ Images