24: Introduce yourself to the readers and let them know where your from?

Kristal Solis: Hola, my name is Kristal Solis and I’m from Fort Worth, TX currently living in Dallas.

24: How long have you been modeling for and what would you say has been your biggest accomplishment so far?

Kristal Solis: I’ve been modeling since I was 18 years old, and my biggest accomplishment so far would have to be having a spread in Show Magazine(LATINA #16).

24: What’s your nationality?

Kristal Solis: Mexican, baby(smiling)!

24: What do you feel you bring to the table as a model that separates you from other models in the industry?

Kristal Solis: Honestly, I have a very diverse look and I could do well in all three markets whether it’s Latin, Black, or White. I think that’s what makes me different.

24: What are your measurements and what part of your would you say is the sexiest?

Kristal Solis: It’s 36-27-42 and I’m going to have to go with my eyes.

24: Out of all of your photos shoot tell me your Top 3 that were the most memorable and you had the most fun doing?

Kristal Solis: My Show Magazine Shoot would have to takes 1st place it was a lot of fun! It very professional and I had a great make-up artist, hair stylist and it was at an amazing mansion. #2 would be my Photo Shoot with the well known Miami photographer MJFLix(www.MJFLIX.com). I was in my favorite place in my favorite city “Miami” and I always wanted a beach shoot because where I’m from there are no beaches, so it was perfect. An last but not least I’ll never forget my shoot with B. Ellis Photography. I busted my ass slipping on baby oil from earlier shots I had did on the floor(lol). I can’t believe I’m even telling the readers this(lol). After I fell Ellis was like “I think your going to be fine you have enough support back there”(lol)! The fall hurt like hell but the shoot turned out to be very memorable.

24: What would you say is an automatic “Turn On” & “Turn Off” for you about a guy?

Kristal Solis:  A man with a swagger turns me on! A “Turn Off” for me would be bad teeth.

24: Would you say that your the romantic type and if so what’s the most romantic thing you ever did for a guy?

Kristal Solis: Yes, I am. I’m a little chef so I have cooked dinner in my sexy lingerie before(smiling).

24: What would you say is the biggest misconception people have about you if any?

Kristal Solis: They think that I’m stuck up, but there so wrong.

24: If you could choose any Entertainer/Athlete/Actor, etc to spend 24 hours with who would you choose and why?

Kristal Solis: I have a crush on Romeo from the group Aventura that man is beautiful.

24: A lot of people say the way to man’s heart is by cooking so if you had to cook a meal for that special someone what would it be?

Kristal Solis: My specialty, Arroz Con Pollo(also know as Chicken and Rice,lol).

24: Are you in a relationship and if not what do you look for in a guy?

Kristal Solis: I’m single and what I look for in a guy is not looks. For a man to be with me he has to have a career, and smell good. I like nice teeth! Also he has to be taller than me(lol)and have a great heart.

24: Since this interview interview is for the “Ice Cream Parlor” I have to ask, f you had to choose any Ice Cream flavor that best describes yourself which would it be and why?

Kristal Solis: It would have to be all 36 flavors because with me you never know what your going to get. I’m a surprise all the time and don’t we all love surprises(smiling).

24: Tell me what’s the sexiest outfit you have in your closet right now?

Kristal Solis: This sexy nude color dress that fits me like a glove and makes me feel so sexy. It’s so sexy that even one night my girl begged me to let her borrow it(lol).

24: If you had to give yourself a little bedroom bedroom report card would you be a “Straight A” student?

Kristal Solis: I’m a “Straight A Student”. I’m a Mexican, so what do you expect we are hard workers(lol).

24: What’s a sexual fantasy that you have that you have not explored as yet?

Kristal Solis: My fantasy has been fulfilled.

24: Okay, your off the hot seat for now tell everyone what’s next for you?

Kristal Solis: I’m thinking about getting into acting and doing a few Television shows, but I definitely want to do some movies because that’s where the real money is at.

24: Tell the readers the best way to find out more about you and check out more photos, etc?

Kristal Solis: Check me out on Twitter at www.twitter.com/KristalSolis or on Myspace at www.myspace/kristalsolis and my personal website www.kristalsolis.com.

24: Any finals words for the readers?

Kristal Solis: I just want to thank everybody who has followed me and supported me I love you! Besitos and GOD bless.

Photos By: MJ Flix/Del Anthony