24: Introduce yourself and let the readers and let them know where your from?

Montana: My name is Montana Deleon, born and raised in Miami, Florida but now residing in Atlanta, Georgia.

24: How did you want to get into modeling?  

Montana: I never really thought about modeling until a model scout approached me and set up a photo shoot for me where I was treated like a Diva! I just loved modeling from there on.

24: What’s your nationality?

Montana: I’m black, white, West-Indian(St.Thomas)and Cherokee Indian.

24: The model industry has so many beautiful models so what would you say you bring to the table that separates you from everyone else?

Montana: Most models that I see grace the covers now a days have no other talent to run with besides their looks. Me on the other hand I write books, I’m a trained actress, I know how to speak eloquently if need be, I host events, I an creating my own love sex and relationship talk show as well as forming my own production company.  I’m a walking investment.

24: What are your measurements?

Montana: I’m considered to be a plus size model with measurements being 38D-30-45.

24: What part of your would you say is the sexiest?

Montana: I would say eyes are the sexiest.  With all these curves, guys tend to comment on how sexy and mesmerizing my eyes are and I agree.

24: Okay, now what part of your body would you say gets the most attention from the fellas, lol?

Montana: First on foremost, its my derrière, boobs, then my face, and then my amazon height(smiling).  You have the complete package in me. Usually you have to sacrifice but I bring it all to the table, not to mention a down ass, real and fun loving personality.  You just don’t get all that in one model now a days.

24: What would you say is an automatic “Turn On”  for you about a guy?

Montana: A Cute Face!

24: The way to man’s heart is by cooking so if you had to cook a meal for that special someone what would it be?

Montana: I’d find out his favorite dish and come up with a way to cook it 3 different ways(smiling).

24: Are you single?  

Montana: I’ll just say it’s very complicated.

24: What do you look for in a guy?

Montana: I like a handsome, sexy, successful and well respected man exactly in that order too(lol). I’ll find out later if he has the bomb ass sex(lol)!

24: What would you say is the biggest misconception people seem to have about you if any?

Montana: That I’m stuck up, but when they get to know me they love me because of my no hold bars attitude. Not to mention I’m funny, real and very humble.

24: What’s a favorite song of yours that just seems to get you in the right mood with that special someone?

Montana: Anything by Anthony Hamilton. I’m a big Neo-Soul lover.

24: Would you say that sex is over rated or people are just not doing it right?

Montana: Sex is at it’s best when the two parties involved are in love.  It gets more intense when feelings are involved.  Not just physically but mentally as well.

24: Tell me what’s the most Hot & Sexy outfit you have in your closet right now?

Montana: Sexiest outfit(pause), I would say my black stilettos baby!

24: If an ex-boyfriend or current boyfriend had to rate you in the bedroom from a scale of 1-10, what do think he give  you?

Montana: If it was an ex-boyfriend that I was in love with, I’d get a score that’s off the richter scale! I did things to him them other women would frown at.

24: Okay, your off the hot seat for now tell everyone what’s next for you?

Montana: Finishing up my book now “How to treat a man like a king” and working on getting my “Sex Love and Relationship” talk show going.

24: Will there be more books that follows in the near future?

Montana: Definitely, It’s a part one of a two part book series. Of course the other book is entitled, “How to treat a woman like a Queen” and the titles speak for themselves. I’m may be writing a book called, “How to bounce back after baby”, geared to the women who have children and are having difficulty getting the weight off. I have five children and I just want to share what I do to maintain my figure. I also write erotic stories in comparison to the famous author Zane, so my fourth book on down will be erotic writings.

24: Tell the readers the best way to find out more about you and check out more photos, etc?

Montana: They can check out my website www.1900montana.com is the go to source for all your Montana Deleon needs.

24: Any finals words for the readers?

Montana: Yes, be on he look out for big things coming from me, I hustle hard!

Photos By: Courage of 20/20 Photography/Mango Fontaine