24: Introduce yourself to the readers and let them know where your from?

Raya Reaves: Hello all! My name is Raya Reaves.  I am from Austin Texas but I reside in Los Angeles, CA.

24: How exactly did you get into modeling? Was modeling something you always wanted to do?

Raya Reaves: My passion is actually acting.  I fell into modeling by attending a talent agency audition.  The agency turned out to be for models and they ended up signing me.

24: What’s your nationality?

Raya Reaves: I’m actually mixed.  Half African American and half German.

24: What are your measurements and what part of your would you say is the sexiest?

Raya Reaves: My measurements are 34-24-37.  The sexiest part of me would be my smile, it let’s me get away with everything(lol)!

24: What are some “Do’s & Don’t’s”for the fellas out their trying to approach you?

Raya Reaves: Do’s: Have good hygiene, be original and attempt to make me laugh.  Don’t’s: Please don’t try to talk to me after you just talked to the girl before me, assume I’m just going to give you my number-be up for a challenge.

24: Are you currently single at the moment or your taken?

Raya Reaves: Both.  I’m seeing a certain someone, but haven’t locked it down.

24: Tell me what was the most romantic thing you have ever done for a guy you were in a relationship with?

Raya Reaves: I’ve only had one boyfriend my whole life! One night I cooked dinner then had a candlelit bath ready for us.

24: Since this interview interview is for the “Ice Cream Parlor” Section I have to ask, if you had to choose an Ice Cream flavor that best describes yourself which would it be and why?

Raya Reaves: I would say strawberry.  There are real strawberries in there- I’m as real as they come, plus I’m sweet!

24: If you had to give yourself a bedroom report card would you be a “Straight A” student?

Raya Reaves: Straight A’s with some extra credit!

24: With Twitter being the hottest social network around right now tell me what was the craziest DM or Tweet you have got on Twitter so far from a guy trying to win you over or get your number/attention?

Raya Reaves: Marriage proposals definitely get my attention.  I also find it amusing when a guy slightly insults me as a way to get a response.  It never works.

24: If I went into your closet right now what would be the most Hot & Sexy outfit I would find?

Raya Reaves: If you looked in my closet, you would find one of my many sexy mini dresses  or my sexy collection of heels.

24: What should everyone but on the look out for from you for the rest of 2011?

Raya Reaves: Be on the look out for me doing more film/commercial/television work.  You just may catch me in another Magazine or two as well(smiling).

24: Let the readers know what’s the best way to keep up to date with everything your doing as well as the best way to view more photos,videos, etc?

Raya Reaves: Definitely check out my website: rayareaves.com or my Facebook page at www.facebook.com/rayareavesand as well as my Twitter page @RayaReaves.

Photos By: SHOW Magazine

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