24: Introduce yourself to the readers and let them know where your from?

Symmone: I was born and raised in “The Land ” also known as Cleveland, Ohio. I love anything fashion related. I am also determined to show the world that I am simply the best at what I do.

24: What lead you to start modeling?

Symmone: Well, my mother, aunts and cousins all modeled. So from an early age I was going to fashion shows and trunk shows and all types of things. So when my aunts opened an upscale boutique they needed models and of course I got to be apart of the fashion shows, etc.
24: What would you say has been your biggest accomplishment so far?

Symmone: My biggest accomplishment so far would simply have to be everything I have done up to this point because everything I do helps me move up a notch in the game. So from the big to the small things they make a  difference in my journey.

24: What’s your nationality, because I’m sure everyone is trying to guess it?

Symmone: Lol, I know I get this question all of the time. My mother is Puerto Rican and German and my dad is black so I’m very diverse.

24: With so many beautiful models in the industry what would you say you bring to the table that separates you from everyone else?

Symmone: I have a great attitude and being that I am a stylist as well as a designer/model I have the total package.

24: What are your measurements and what part of your would you say is the sexiest?

Symmone: There 34D-24-36 and I would have to say my stomach as well as my eyes are the sexiest. They say the eyes can say a lot.

24: Tell me about one of the most memorable photo shoots that you had the most fun doing?

Symmone: One of my favorite Photo Shoots was done privately by Dawn Masenya for my boyfriend. I was completely naked and we had this cool lighting effect going on that lit up “Every” curve of my body (lol).

24: What would you say is an automatic “Turn On” for you about a guy?

Symmone: Definitely a guy’s swagger, attitude, and sense of style. Also intelligence, whether you’re street smart or book smart, as well as confidence but still humble, someone who treats me like I’m the prize. Someone who can be aggressive and a little mean at times.

24: What’s an automatic “Turn Off” for you about a guy?

Symmone: Someone that’s too cocky or that’s always talking about themselves. Not to mention a guy that’s stingy, careless, a “Player”, too much of a pretty boy or ignorant.

24: Would you say that your the romantic type and if so what’s the most romantic thing you ever did for a guy?

Symmone: No I am not the romantic type. I don’t like flowers because they die in like 3 days so I would rather something like a sweater that I can wear for years(lol). Maybe if I am in the mood we can go to dinner at a nice romantic restaurant though. But I must add that I have never had anyone be romantic to me and maybe that’s why I am not a romantic person.

24: What would you say is the biggest misconception people have about  you?

Symmone: That I am  stuck up. I’ll admit that I’m a little stuck up but I don’t look at it as a bad thing it helps me to remain exclusive. No man wants a girl that the whole city has talked to.

24: Which flavor Ice Cream would you say best describes yourself?

Symmone: Vanilla and Caramel like they do it at Coldstone, because I’m a little tough on the outside but once you get to the middle I’m nice and sweet.

24: What’s your favorite sexual position or fantasy that you have that you have not explored as yet?

Symmone: I know its weird but don’t really have any fantasies, and my favorite position is for me and that special someone to know(lol).

24: Okay, your off the hot seat for now tell everyone what’s next for you?

Symmone: Definitely, more styling from personal styling to Photo Shoots, possibly playboy, and I am currently working on my website and I’m trying to find a sample maker for my fashion line.

24: Tell the readers the best way to find out more about you and check out more photos, etc?

Symmone: The best way to find out more about me is to keep checking  www.secretlysymmone.com for updates, check me out on www.myspace.com/modelsymmone, or here on 24HourHipHop.com.

24: Any finals words for the readers?
Symmone: Well, readers I hope you continue to show support and I know there are more then 500 other models out here but I am definitely “One Of A Kind”. So if you ever see me make sure you speak or say something! I will greatly appreciate it. An if you need help with any Fashion advice or anything else “Message” me on Myspace.