24: Please introduce yourself
to our readers and let them know how you got into modeling?

Tamarah: My name is Tamara
Purifoy and I’m from Milwaukee Wisconsin. I got into modeling at the
age of 16 but didn’t really pursue it until about 8 months ago. I always
knew I wanted to be a model but never really had the time to pursue
it, so I finally made the time and here I am telling you my story.

24: When I first saw your photos
I was blown away because I think you have a different look with your
hair cut and you are very natural compared to a lot of models that look
good because of Cover Girl, and I think all of this makes up for your
height? So in your words tell me what separates Tamarah from another

Tamarah: Well thank you. You’ve
said it all sweetie, my hair and the fact I look more natural on film.
When you see most models in video’s and magazines, they all have long
hair you rarely see a woman with short hair. My short hair brings out
my facial features a lot more and you can see more details that way.
I don’t have to hide behind a lot of hair or make-up, what you see
is what you get.

24: Has your height got in
the way of some modeling jobs before or has it actually made you stand

Tamarah: Yes it has, because
I’m only 5’4 and that’s unfortunate because there’s so much
more to me than my height.

24: What are some of the things
you have been working on lately? 

Tamarah: Well I was the B-Girl
of the week on Bet.com. I’m currently being Featured on Hiphopucit.com
and I actually just finished doing there calendar shoot for them, so
look out for that, I’m Miss November! I’m working on a fashion show
for a local designer and a number of photo shoots. Last but certainly
not least I’m in a contest on WWW.BLACKBEACHWEEK.COM  for the 2007 Sexy Lady Contest.
I’m contestant #5 so make sure ya’ll show me some love.

24: What photo shoot you have
done so far that has been the most memorable for you? 

Tamarah: Actually my shoot
I just did, the Photographer and Make-up artist were amazing and that
just made the shoot hands down my best ever. They were like a dream
team and I can’t wait to work with them again. 

24: From a scale 1-10 how would
you rate yourself? 

Tamarah: Numbers don’t do
anybody justice unless you counting the zeros on the end of your
pay check. But if I had to rate myself, hands down I would be a 10!

24: Has living in Milwaukee,
Wisconsin and modeling been hard compared to living in New York, LA
or Miami?

Tamarah: Yes it has, because
there aren’t a lot of opportunities here in Milwaukee. I do most of
my networking in Chicago and other cities. I know that if I really want
to be successful at modeling, I’m going to have to leave Milwaukee
and I plan on doing that! 

24: What’s the biggest misconception
people have about you? 

Tamarah: That I’m conceited!
And that’s not at all the case, I’m just confident in what I do.
I tell people all the time, it’s more to me than what meets the eye. 

24: I know that your currently
in a relationship so I wanted to ask you has it ever been for you perusing
a modeling career and keeping a good relationship because I am sure
the two can bump heads with each other?

Tamarah: Actually I’m no
longer in a relationship, it was time for us to go our separate ways
but it didn’t end because of my modeling. I’m sure it can get in
the way but as long as both are secure in the relationship it shouldn’t
be a problem. 

24: If you had to choose a
flavor of an Ice Cream to describe yourself which would it be? 

Tamarah: Swirl baby! You can
have the best of both worlds. LOL. 

24: What’s the most romantic
thing you ever did for your man? 

Tamarah: It was just a regular
day and for no reason I wore some of the sexiest lingerie and lit the
bedroom full of candles, put rose petals all over the bed and popped
in Destiny Child’s Cater 2 U and I catered to my man all night long.

24: What’s the sexiest outfit
you own? 

Tamarah: Oh wow! This short
little dress, as Beyonce would say a “Freakum Dress” lol

24: Okay, your out of the hot
seat for now so tell me other then modeling what are some things I might
see you getting into in the near future?

Tamarah: Acting, I use to be
a Theatre major in college in Arizona and its so much fun and you can
express your self in so many different ways. So any casting directors
out there holla at your girl. lol 

24: I want to thank you for
this interview so much because I love to find new models that I feel
are Next In Line before everyone else and I see you doing great things,
so is there any thing you want to tell everyone reading this interview? 

Tamarah: Thank you, it was
defiantly a pleasure and I hope the viewers enjoy it. Be on the look
out for me because I’m trying to change the industry and I’m coming
through tearing the doors off the hinges! I’m available for Print,
Commercial, Catalog and Glamour. I can be reached at WWW.MYSPACE.COM/tamarapurifoy and tamara_purifoy@hotmail.com
(serious inquires