24: Introduce yourself to the readers and let them know where your from?

Venus: Hello, I’m Venus De’ Milo and I’m from Brooklyn,NY.

24: What lead you to start modeling?

Venus: It all started when I was approached last year to model for the Funk Master Flex Car Show and then from there is where it all began.

24: What’s your nationality, because I’m sure everyone is trying to guess it?

Venus: I’m Puerto Rican and Colombian.

24: With so many beautiful models in the industry what would you say you bring to the table that separates you from everyone else?

Venus: I have a very unique and exotic look that you don’t see often.

24: What are your measurements and what part of yourself would you say is the sexiest?

Venus: They are 36-29-40 and for the sexiest part I would have to say it’s my eyes.

24: Out of all of your photos shoot tell me your most memorable or the one you had the most fun doing?

Venus: Well, the one that sticks out the most is the fire Photo Shoot. It was so much fun doing it but also scary at the same time because we actually used real fire. It was a very different concept and that’s what I liked the most.

24: What would you say is an automatic “Turn On” & “Turn Off” for you about a guy?

Venus: “Turn On“- Smells Good, Nice Dresser, Respectful. “Turn Off“- Bad Odor, Dirty kicks, Liars and Dirty finger nails(that just turns my stomach).

24: Would you say that your the romantic type and if so what’s the most romantic thing you ever did for a guy?

Venus: Yes I could be romantic at times but it also depends on my mood(smiling).

24: What would you say is the biggest misconception people have about you?

Venus: That I’m stuck up, I get that all the time. People rather just look and judge a person before knowing them. It’s cool with me though, I don’t sweat it. But when they get to know me then they see that I’m real cool and  down to earth.

24: If you could choose any Entertainer/Athlete/Actor, etc to spend 24 hours with who would you choose and why?

Venus: Wow, I really have no idea(lol).

24: Are you in a relationship and if not what do you look for in a guy?

Venus: Yes, I am in a Relationship

24: Which flavor Ice Cream would you say best describes yourself?

Venus: Strawberry, because its sweet and always taste good. Hey, that’s what I was told(smiling).

24: Tell me the worst pick line a guy has used in order to get your phone number or a date?

Venus: Oh, my God I’ve heard so many but the worst was “Damn girl I love the way you walk, you should walk like that to my bedroom” Are you serious? So Lame, next(lol).

24: What’s a sexual fantasy that you have that you have not explored as yet?

Venus: Don’t have one(sorry).

24: A lot of people say the way to man’s heart is by cooking so if you had to cook a meal for that special someone what would it be?

Venus: It depends what that person would want but I’ll probably cook Steak with Mash Potatoes, Corn, and some desert on the side.

24: If an ex-boyfriend or current boyfriend had to rate you in the bedroom from a scale of 1-10, what do think he give  you?

Venus: I could honestly say that I never had any complaints. Maybe that’s why they still call me after such a long time after(smiling).

24: Okay, your off the hot seat for now tell everyone what’s next for you?

Venus:  I’m currently working on a few projects right now and you will definitely see more of me so keep a look out.

24: Tell the readers the best way to find out more about you and check out more photos, etc?

Venus: Well, my website is under construction but will be up soon. So stay tuned for www.adoseofvenus.com. I want to thank 24HourHIpHop.com for this interview as well.

Photos By: Ryan O. Nash/Black Star Photography/LLoyd Parks Photography