It is official, our ‘President is Black!’ After an impressive campaign that strived for ‘Change,’ it was apparent that this is what America needed. We heeded his voice, his belief; we all came together and voted for that belief. This is literally history in the making, Democratic Senator Barack Obama has become the first Black President in American history, this day November 4, 2008, the whole nation watched, waited, and saw Obama become President elect.

Americans all across the nation are celebrating the success of the beginning of the Obama era and the end of the 8 year Bush era. It was time for a change, America was tired of Republican rule, we needed a Democrat in office. Not only has the presidency been changed, a majority of the Senate has been overshadowed by Democrats from all over the U.S. It was inevitable that history would have been made, watching the polls and the states as each individual state lighted up in Blue adding yet more and more to the electoral votes that he collected throughout the long strenuous day. Obama became the 44th president elect by receiving over 339 electoral votes surpassing the required 270. As he boldly walked into Grant Park in Chicago, Illinois to give his first speech as President elect, a whole nation of ecstatic citizens applauds him in high praise.

As we here at do the same, we all believe that if we just set forth hope, we can accomplish anything. Hip-Hop endorsed Obama to the utmost since the beginning, let’s give a hand to our first African American President in the history of America, President Barack Obama. America Stand Up!