In an interview with the Examiner, Tami Roman reveals she’s been watching Basketball Wives too, and just like us she doesn’t like everything she’s seen.

Check out what she had to say below:

“Basketball Wives’ is a real mirror. I do watch the episodes–we don’t get to watch them in advance. We watch them when everyone else sees them. And so for me, I think every person is constantly learning, growing, evolving, you know, nobody’s perfect.

And so when I watch certain things, there are aspects that, I too, see what everybody else sees and certain things that I don’t like, so it serves as a mirror for me to be able to work at changing certain things. 

In season 2, I was a heavy, heavy smoker. I no longer smoke. I saw myself smoking on TV and I didn’t like the way that looked, it was not classy. So, I decided that I would quit smoking and I’ve been smoke free.

So that’s one of the good things–it allows me to step outside of myself and see myself.

The incident with Meeka, I’m embarrassed by that. I’m not proud of that. That showed me, ‘Tami, you need to work on some things.’ You know, so that you’re not so defensive, that you don’t think people are always out to get you. You don’t have to lash out when you’re upset. I’m watching it and looking at it and acknowledging that there’s something that needs to change, so it serves as a mirror for me.