In March 2005, a California Judge ordered Knight to pay $ 107 million to Lydia Harris, a woman who helped start Death Row and allegedly was owed money after being forced out of the imprint. Lawyers representing Harris and her former husband, Michael "Harry-O" Harris, an incarcerated drug dealer pursuing half of the award as part of their divorce, requested that the judge place Death Row into receivership.
Michael Harris, who is serving a 28-year sentence for narcotics distribution and attempted murder, revealed in 1997, that he gave Knight $1.5 million in drug money while he was behind bars to start Death Row. Harris’ legal team has accused Knight of ducking his legal responsibilities by pulling a no show for three debtor examinations.
At a hearing, which is scheduled for Tuesday (April 4), a court-appointed "receiver" will take control of all assets of Death Row Records, including a music library containing the records of Tupac Shakur, Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre. "He’s had his last chance as far as we’re concerned," said Steven Goldberg, Michael Harris’ lawyer. "We are going to ask the receiver to take ownership of the music library and auction it off." Harris and his legal team also want Knight be held in contempt and jailed until he participates in the hearing to disclose his assets.
According to Knight’s attorney, Dermot Givens, Goldberg and his team were informed on Friday that Knight would not appear at the Saturday hearing and no reason was given for his absence. Last year, a judge froze Knight’s assets, because he and his legal team had failed to respond to legal inquiries and provide certain information.
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