A few years
ago I heard this song called ‘Galang’ from an upcoming UK female
rapper by the name of MIA. I’m not sure if it is pronounced M.I.A
as in Miami but I assume it does. Anyway, I don’t know what it was
about this song but I was feeling the beat and it really caught my attention
although I was having a hard time trying to figure out what da f***
she was trying to say.

So a few years
later she releases a new song called ‘Paper Planes’ which is about??,
ok hold on let me try and sum up the song in one sentence: ♪ throwing
paper planes, boom boom, (gunshot), swagger like us, then take your
money and that’s it…

Now I’m very
confused? I don’t understand the message of the song but it’s freakin’
good, I mean come on even T.I. used her hook on his single ‘swagga
like us’ and some major American artists have made remixes on it,
such as Lil Wayne and Rick Ross. MIA has also been in collaboration
with one of the biggest female MC’s in the US – Missy Elliot and even
managed to get hip hop veteran and mogul Jay-Z on her ‘Boyz’ track…

I think she
does have her own swagger tho and I believe that’s what makes her
songs unique, they kind of reflect over her personality and style, not
that I know her personally but you know what I mean…

By the end
of the day I guess what im trying say is that music nowadays doesn’t
really have to make sense, it’s all good as long as you can vibe to