(HipHopWired) With details seemingly ripped from the pages of an espionage thriller, the tale of father-son music promoters Patrick Allocco and his son, also named Patrick, and their ongoing ordeal in Angola is mind-boggling. The Alloccos, from New Jersey, planned to bring veteran rapper Nas and female rapper Jemiah Jai to Africa to perform a pair of New Year’s Eve shows in Angola’s capital city. Nas was a no-show and the drama ensued from there. The Alloccos were kidnapped by gunpoint en route to the American Embassy and still remain captive in a local hotel, reports the New York Post.

With Nas pocketing his $300K advance along with Jemaiah Jai taking in $15K, the absent rappers placed the Alloccos under the fire of Angolan music promoter Henrique Miguel, who demanded a repayment of the money. Nas eventually repaid the funds although it’s been reported that Jemiah Jai has yet to return her money. After interrogations, death threats and promises of being allowed to return home, the Alloccos face uncertain danger while holed up in a hotel that is costing them $500 dollars per night.


The Alloccos have been denied refuge by the American Embassy by the State Department citing the pair was not at risk for serious harm, which is the department’s leading requirement. “We did not find, in this case, that Mr. Allocco met the criteria for refuge. However, we did bring [the younger Allocco] into the Embassy temporarily,” State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said. “My understanding is we gave him some clothes and some medicine, but we didn’t take him in for refuge.”


Speaking with the New York Post, the pair places the blame squarely on Nas’ shoulders for their current situation. “He [Nas] put us in real harm, in real possible danger,” Allocco said. “This is the closest thing we came to someone up and running with the money.”