Lil Wayne has been in the news lately a lot because he missing shows now here another. Now this is a rumor the he has had it with one semi-popular southern based magazine. Someone is leaking information because apparently this magazine that recently had an award show was really expecting to lock in the top selling rap star for their third annual award ceremony. This magazine is based out of Atlanta. 

According to the buzz, Lil Wayne had decided to perform at the show. I hear that his people had tentatively confirmed his appearance. I’m even hearing that the magazine went as far as to secure a 25k private jet for him and his entourage make certain his attendance. But it looks like no one told Lil Wayne, and when the self-proclaimed “Martian” found out where his next gig was to take place he drawled out.  

I hear that Wayne canceled an hour before boarding the plane. I was given a quote of what Wayne allegedly expressed, but I’m sure I am already straddling the fence here so let’s not push, shall we. However, there’s never been anything wrong with a little paraphrasing, right?  

OK so I hear that he basically said that this magazine is “RUINING HIP-HOP!” Wayne also added that all this magazine has done is hurt his career [I’m a little confused on that one, but whatever]. And all this publication is doing is sucking his “d*ck right now.” 

It looks like Wayne is becoming apart of a growing group of artists, record executives and competing publications, that has no love for the magazine in question, or its owner. But if that hasn’t added insult to injury, then why am I also hearing that the music magazine lost its 25k deposit.  Now to be fair, I reached out to the editor-in-chief to try and ascertain a better understanding of the story. There’s always two parts to a story [hell, eight parts if its gossip], so I really wanted to give them a chance to give me some indication that my information was bogus. But, true to form, I was played for a fool.

shout out to Gyant -“The Mouth of The South” for this exclusive info