It’s finally here! Apple will be releasing the iPhone 4 in White tomorrow! For you iPhone lovers out their you have been awaiting this day for some time now. Back when the iPhone 4 was first being released last June Apple actually had two colors Black & White, but because of complications with the iPhone 4 in White, it never surfaced. But tomorrow that will all change! If you already have an iPhone 4 Black and you would like to purchase one, it will be available to you without changing your contract, but you will have to outright buy the phone unless you are eligible for an upgrade at this time. And if you are not an iPhone 4 owner and this will be your first iPhone 4 then you will be able to purchase the iPhone 4 at a retail price of $199 USD for the 16GB model and $299 USD for the 32GB model at any select AT&T or Verizon provider. Expect long lines as always when it comes to Apple and their products.

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